CRI gas route

Ron just wrote the riot act to CRI over gas routes.

They auto assigned him to the same route he did last quarter! He has told them repeatedly and begged for the Louisville route but the auto assigned the same shopper to it again. After doing his entire route of 72 shops, driving 1800 miles to do it, paying for 4 motel bills, he made about $.57 a shop which he spent on food being away from home. Without other shops along the way, he would have lost money doing the route. He then did 30 shops for $444. For all 102 shops, he averaged $2.97 per shop. If not for some heavily bonused shops, he would have brought home a whopping $300 total for 9 days on the road and had to pay for food out of that.

All along the way, he asked for the Louisville route next time because he did all the hard ones. No one ever said they would auto assign the same shops to that scheduler. To boot, the Lexington shopper did not finish on time and was given an extention to do their easily found locations! CRI had said many times..."Absolutely no extentions". That route was also auto assigned back to the shopper who did not finish on time.

On July 3rd, Ron self assigned 7 gas shops for $20 each that he figured had been flaked on since they were on the board. He printed all the paperwork, found other shops to make it a nice route and packed the car. Late Sunday night, he checked the job board to make sure he had everything. CRI had deleted his shops. He never received an "oops" or an "I'm sorry" or anything even after writing in about it.

Ron beat the bushes in rural Kentucky and in Appalachia for God's sake and made no money, but the flakey shopper in Lexington got auto assigned. Makes sense to me.

Oh, and that shop in Ashland, KY that was 187 miles from home in the wrong direction is again in the route they assigned him. He drove past tons of stations and even bought gas and snacks in some of them only to return home and find out those shops had not been assigned to anyone. So he went out another 600 miles cleaning up part of their mess. And no one told him he had no chance at the shops close to home because of the auto assign policy.

At the end of the quarter, there were 33 shops left in Appalachia and he offered to go for $15 per shop plus gas and motel expense for 2-3 days. The assigned them to another shopper for $30 each which was $990. Ron's way would have cost them less than $800 and they would have his goodwill after doing all the grunt work for them.

They will, of course, pass on his offer to do all three routes for $15 each. They'd rather pay more and make shoppers crazy than handle the possiblity of paying a fair price. For that price, he'd be able to cover expenses and make about $8 per shop. I told him to let it go. Let them find someone else to handle Appalachia....and then have to pay them $30 each for about 200 shops at the end of September. grrrrrrrrr

Needless to say he is a bit ticked off. Will keep you posted on what happens. Like I saw in one of Cettie's posts recently, they can take route 17 and put it in a place of their choice. Let's see what it costs them to get those three routes done their way.

Oh, and he plotted every single shop on a map (someof the towns aren't even listed on a map!) and offered to split the routes up for them in a sensible fashion instead of running their shoppers ragged. he didn't ask for a dime for the information. They did it "their way" and screwed it up again. I haven't been working for them myself. After losing a few reports to their antiquated system that won't let you save along the way, I got tired of redoing everything two or three times and stopped taking shops. Ron has been dedicated and faithful to complete everything he said he would and he got an "atta boy" email but no money or consideration for it.

Today I Will Choose Joy!

"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!

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Welcome to CRI antics! And don't don't forget their invisible emails you are responsible for!
tell em to stuff it... or wait three months until the shops are at 50 a piece...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
No more routes in Kentucky so I told them to keep the one that earned me $.57 per shop last quarter. I'll stay home and wait until end of quarter to pick up the flaked shops for bonuses. Just wish I'd had open and honest communication from the beginning instead of now feeling like they led me on and manipulated me. grrrrrrrr


Today I Will Choose Joy!

"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!
No matter who the MSP, I don't see how gas routes would work. I only took a couple at a time on a route because I couldn't figure out how to fill the gas tank when it was already full. I had enough to get to my first assignment, then would put in a little at a time. I also carried a gas can. I decided that the figuring was too much work, so I tried a variety of assignments each trip. My hardest problem then was making sure I was in each town before each small business closed. It's easier shopping the 24-hour places.
i saw someone with a industrial sized tank... not sure if it was legal or not... but they pulled up in a truck with what looked like a lock box for tools and started pumping gas into it... i think they bought about 50 gallons or so... it was a truck from a marina so im assuming the use them for jet skis...

im not sure how they got the gas out but it would be interesting just to buy one... with the way the economy is you could probably sell it for a tidy profit... my brother told me he has a receipt for 30 cents off a gallon of gas...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
My trick to buying gas is to do 1/3 of the shops, siphon the gas out of my tank and put it in HIS (he has a 27 gallon tank, I have an 11 gallon tank) and do some more shops. Since I shop 'nowhere' (small town areas), I am able (fortunately!) to schedule gas,ff, and retail in most towns. Naturally, I have a clipboard, a box of paperclips, a file box, and a cooler in the car.
The gas brand for this route doesn't require purchasing fuel. It only requires a purchase from inside the convenient store. You only have to buy gas if there is no convenient store.

Today I Will Choose Joy!

"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!
I thought they had done away with the routes as they tend to give you $5.00 instead of $4.00. (exagerating of course but thought they had stopped them).
As suspected there is now a closer route available. Instead of 3 months to complete it there are 16 days. They want to offer me the same deal as everyone else got. I told them I'd do the 19 close to home for $10 each (they are clustered near each other) but that the ones requiring travel would cost them hotel expenses. I offered to just do the 19 close to home and let them give the rest to a Cincinnati shopper. Waiting for a response. I can do the 19 in two days if it stays dry and sleep in my own bed.


Today I Will Choose Joy!

"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!
The route went to another shopper. That's just fine. Will watch for the ones that get flaked on and pick up the bonuses I hope.

Today I Will Choose Joy!

"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!
I'd sit and wait for the bonused flake shops. If the shops get bonused two months in a row, they will be bonused earlier in the month in the third month. Whomever took the route will get fed up and not do it next time, either.
I don't see anything on routes. I inquired a year or so ago and they said they didn't have them here, so I guess they only have them in certain areas.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
Tech, CORI isn't all bad. Their forms are simple, and they pay weekly, can't beat that!

Weekly pay does sound nice. It's just always bugged me that they make you go through their courses before you can even see what fees they're offering for different clients. If they put a fraction of the cost of producing those AV classes into their pay, we wouldn't laugh when we see 3 cent bonuses. I might give them a chance one of these days.

57carol Wrote:
> Tech, CORI isn't all bad. Their forms are simple,
> and they pay weekly, can't beat that!
> Carol
They do not post routes. The route option was offered to both Ron and I because we did so many gas stations for this particular brand before they went to the route system. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but Ron actually lost money on the original route he took because of all the expenses and the opportunity cost for other jobs he could have been doing for more pay. He's now a bit disgruntled with the experience and lost his full time job right before this all hit the fan. Makes one not very anxious to get back in there and let them have another go at you.

Today I Will Choose Joy!

"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!
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