Research Service Group

Without mentioning client name, has any one done any of these $12 purchase shops, where you have to attend a conference call. After accepting shop, it seems like a lot of work for $12.

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No, and I've been curious about them. I think the key is the purchase reimbursement, and as you know, some are higher than others. There was a location just a few blocks away from where I live, and i was considering checking it out, just to kind of test the waters on the shop. However, even though I have never been in that particular store, I really cannot imagine being able to purchase something there for the reimbursement amount.

The different types of businesses involved in the shop is pretty nuts -- incredibly diverse!
I have done a few shops for them already. They paid within 2 weeks which surprised me, since I usually end up waiting 6 weeks. The conference call is just to tell you how to fill out the form, since it does look intimidating.

I did 10 of these shops and would do more if there were any close ones left. They were easy to do because in general, only the smaller independent stores put restrictions on purchase payment.
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