I am new also to mystery shopping. I have been a shopper now for approximately two months; and, I have not received a check for any of my five shops I have performed.
One shop I did was an audit shop, and the survey contained 75 questions. Actually I thoroughly enjoyed doing the shop and learned a lot while performing it.
I understand the timeliness of performing shops but what worries me is that:
1. I do not see the the name of the company for whom I performed my first two shops. The companies were so strict on submitting the shops in a timely manner, but they seem to take their time to pay for the shops; although they documented in my pay statement that the shops were submitted for pay. .It has been over a month now, and I have seen no entry into my Paypal account for payment for my first two shop, which from what I can understand, is the only way the shops want to submit their pay to their ICs.
2. The other worry is that, has my running been in vain? There is a note on the mystery shopper's board expressing concern over why some shops have not been taken. Well, it just well may be that some shoppers are tense about the legitimacy of the companies or maybe the pay for the shops is simply not worthy of the time it takes to perform them. Two to three months is a long time to wait for payroll, even if one enjoys mystery shopping.