Their ways are maddening.
Try to search for restaurants in the zip code area, using reverse lookups or Google. After you're familiar with their shop description, whether it's wings, family, fine dining, whatever, you'll be better equipped to make a decision. One of their restaurant descriptions was so vague, that I emailed the scheduler and asked for the scoop - whether the reimbursement would cover and what exactly was I shopping. By the time I received his somewhat veiled response, the shop was gone. The next month, I was only a bit clued in to the location of the top secret cloak and dagger, still-just-a-zip-code shop.
After you accept an assignment, the address is included in a confirmation email. However, still not the name. That is not revealed until a few days prior. But, reverse address lookup will give you the info.
Their system is still a PITA.