Intelli shop no pay no shop!

Intellishop keeps posting the “K” car shops advertising a high pay. You go to assign and the pay is no where near what the email says. That is clicking the link to the email where the subject line says $130 and the pay is really $80. Then they try to get you to do it for less. If you argue they pay what they advertise but after you do the shop, it’s accepted then goes to the client, they refuse to pay. They make up false reasons that the 3 required proofs aren’t enough and you made up the shop just because you didn’t get a follow up because the dealership never asked for your information. It’s not a requirement. Nor does it prove that I didn’t do the shop. It’s also not up to me and is something that the shopper is not responsible for.
Be aware. Don’t take these shops. I encourage anyone this happened to to contact the US department of labor, the states attorney general report it to the bbb as a scam.

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I have done many car dealership shops where they never asked for any contact information, and I have always been paid.
@mjt9598 wrote:

I have done many car dealership shops where they never asked for any contact information, and I have always been paid.

Me too and from this MSC also.
I have completed 228 assignments over an 18 yr. period and neither ever experienced a pay problem nor any difficulties with their workers. In addition, there was one shop where I was outed and another I flubbed; I was not paid for either job, both of which were understandable.
I do not have one of their emails on hand but I am pretty sure that the ones I have seen specified that SOME locations are going for a high fee. It's usually the ones that are farther out, away from larger cities or have a smaller population of shoppers. Totally understandable.

I have been doing these shops and sometimes things don't always go as anticipated. When weird stuff happens, I simply follow instructions as best I can and provide good, detailed explanations of exactly what transpired.

I have never had a problem with these shops or the MSC in many many years!
Am I the only one noticing a sudden increase of so many new shoppers complaining about MSCs? confused smiley

I intend to live forever. So far, so good.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2023 07:55PM by stilllearning.
Lots of new shoppers recently, but not all, but many, seem to be complaining.

I just wish I knew about this board when I was starting out by trial and error.

And I agree. The E-mails I received offering $120-130 each listed one or two specific locations within a 60 mile radius of me. The location within 5 miles of me was only at $100 when I got the emails.

If you accepted a shop that showed on the board at whatever dollar amount, that's what you should expect to be paid.

Go back and re-read the E-mail and see which locations were paying more.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2023 09:12PM by wrosie.
@stilllearning wrote:

Am I the only one noticing a sudden increase of so many new shoppers complaining about MSCs? confused smiley
A scam?! There are real scams that need to be dealt with, but this MSC is not one of them. I've been with them for many years and NEVER had an issue. This is one company I will stand behind!

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
They have the same location listed multiple times. YOU have to make sure you choose the correct one. Payment comes like clockwork if you take the time to explain in detail what obstacles you had. Have always been paid by them, they are not the issue. I suggest you get feedback from your shop and try to make corrections.
I think they're listed multiple times because the shops weren't filled when the next shops were released.

So take the older bonused shops not the newly released ones.

Or email the scheduler and negotiate what you want. They are actually really responsive.
The email contains a link where shops are all listed for that pay. All shops in that link are the same pay. They don’t have the option to list them at different prices from one link. When I look they tried to tell me that the most urgent ones were taken at the higher pay. That is not true. Every location was still available in that link since I checked it right away. And like I said that all shops listed in that link are the same pay. Yes there were other shops listed at different pay but those are either different emails and different links or posts on the job board.
I did negotiate the pay to what the subject line had said. That’s when they told me if I did all the shops theyd pay what they advertised. Then they were graded and given a 10. Then about a week later they made false accusations that I didn’t do the shop and repeated asked me for more proof than a business card, time, date and geo stamped photo and a picture of a window sticker. That is what is required. No more. I was not asked for my contact information! I have told them this over and over and because I wasn’t given a follow up they claim I falsified my report. I did not. They are just trying to not pay. Or they lie and say the dealership doesn’t remember me. Again, I was not asked for any contact information so how could they possibly remember me? They are not understanding this. I even came back with extra photos of inside the dealership. I have told them at this dealership they do not leave cards out because they don’t have desks so to suggest I walked in and picked one up just isn’t possible.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/15/2023 02:03AM by Shoppers56.
If you negotiated the pay they would have assigned the shop to you at the negotiated rate and you would have received an email stating such

Your original email doesn't say that

And NONE of the emails I've gotten have said ALL their shops were at that rate.

And the link in those emails just brings you to their normal job board with all their jobs listed at the prices they are paying for each shop.

So first you said you accepted the job off the link. Then you said you negotiated a price.

Just move on. We can't help you here.
I have never had a problem with Intelli-Shop, and I have done many shops with them over the years. However, lately, I have noticed some emails coming through that list a significantly higher rate of pay in the email subject line than you see after you actually open the email and go to the various shop boards. I can't remember the MSC now. It gave me pause, because I never did find those elusive higher paid shops. I've had a couple such emails in the last week or so.

How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg?
"Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
-- Abraham Lincoln
I certainly have never had this issue as all the shops nearby are listed at $25. But in future make sure to look at the shop you are accepting. The pay for that shop is listed on the individual pop up you get when you click on it. That is your pay for that shop, no more, no less. Anything you might have negotiated later should be in an email that you save in case of issues. I would suggest for future that you screenshot the offer you are accepting.. not an email about a possible job, but the actual job description and pay offered on the individual job listing you clicked on in the website of the company. The one where you went to the list of shops listed in find shops and selected your location, opened up the "more" and then clicked accept and chose a date or date range to do the shop.
If none of this happened with your shop perhaps you were at a scam site.
I saw, in my area, a subset of what I think the OP is talking about. I received an email that said the shop was paying $130, but when I clicked on the link provided in the email, the job board entry was only paying $110.

Personally, I have never had any issues with these types of shops or having my reports accepted. Just make sure you are happy with the displayed shop price before you accept it (or perform it) and you'll be fine.
@marnette wrote:

I saw, in my area, a subset of what I think the OP is talking about. I received an email that said the shop was paying $130, but when I clicked on the link provided in the email, the job board entry was only paying $110.

And had you clicked on the job board before the email arrived to thousands of persons the $130 shop may have still been available. I am not sure how the OP knows that all the jobs that were available were listed on the site. Usually they drop off once someone takes them. Sometimes they shop two times at one location so the one left is the one paying lower. Or the $130 shop could have been leftover from an earlier deadline but the newer shop at a lower rate has not been taken.
Sorry you are going thru this. I"ve only been with them since Feb of this year but I've done 15 Dealership shops, plus 1 storage - - never ever has there been a question about the correct fee being paid.
Speaking of IntelliShop Dealerships..... I sometimes see Dealership shops on the board - but NO days available. There's one in my area for $100. but no days available. Now, they bumped it tot $105 but again - no days available. Why bump the price on a shop that may not exist according to their own calendar?
I have never had an issue with Intellishop, or the bonus pay for these particular K Shops and I’ve completed 6 of them. Sometimes it’s particular locations with the bonuses. You do have to make sure that you are selecting one with the higher bonus. I have also done a couple and I have even picked up some where the pay was fast as lightening. I’m waiting for my rotation to do more.

I am waiting for the next exciting opportunity!
I’ve done about ten of these shops and, if it’s the same as the ones I’ve done, during the initial inquiry the dealership asks for an email and phone number, so they have your contact info. I have NEVER had a dealership not contact me (before and after the shop) once they have that info. If a shopper is claiming they dealership doesn’t have their info, there was a problem at the beginning.
I had one where they responded to an old email address they had in their computer system from a years ago shop, rather than the one I used on the website inquiry. Therefore, I did not receive the response they sent to the initial inquiry (until I discovered it later in the old email).
@mysterioso412 wrote:

I’ve done about ten of these shops and, if it’s the same as the ones I’ve done, during the initial inquiry the dealership asks for an email and phone number, so they have your contact info. I have NEVER had a dealership not contact me (before and after the shop) once they have that info. If a shopper is claiming they dealership doesn’t have their info, there was a problem at the beginning.
@BabyBooey19 wrote:

Speaking of IntelliShop Dealerships..... I sometimes see Dealership shops on the board - but NO days available. There's one in my area for $100. but no days available. Now, they bumped it tot $105 but again - no days available. Why bump the price on a shop that may not exist according to their own calendar?

There is a six month rotation on these shops so if six months hasn't transpired since you last did the location, no dates would be available.
They do have multiple shops at different pay amounts at a time so maybe by the time you clicked on the link in the email the higher paying ones (usually sooner due date ) were gone. I’ve had all of mine accepted, knock on wood, including one where there was no follow up from dealership. They have also accepted window sticker download from the website (no window sticker on the car one time; another time bright sunlight/reflections made window sticker on car illegible in photo). I find these pretty easy to do but only worth it once the pay gets over $80.
It seems like some are not reviewing the information or are fairly new and don’t realize that there are only specific locations for bonuses like any other MSC for various Shops.

I am waiting for the next exciting opportunity!
I just checked the $125 email. Job Posting lists $125 on it.I'm Instantly Assigned so unless the amount changes from the posting to the Shop Log, I'm presume it's the same.

Do not read so much, look about you and think of what you see there.
Richard Feynman-- letter to Ashok Arora, 4 January 1967, published in Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (2005) p. 230
@whosear wrote:

I just checked the $125 email. Job Posting lists $125 on it.I'm Instantly Assigned so unless the amount changes from the posting to the Shop Log, I'm presume it's the same.

If the job board showed the shop as paying $125, that's what they will pay you.
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