IS lies and cheats the shoppers 'occasionally', but there is a method to their madness: Simply put: They are slaves to the K corporation, and if IS gets ANY pushback, regarding a shop from "K:, or the dealership, they take the easy way out, and don't pay the shopper. They do not advocate for the validity of your information, delivered on time and properly. It is far easier for them to throw you under the bus and refuse to pay. For example, the dealer website was down for one of my shops, and my 'inquiry' took a couple more days to complete. It was finally completed on the morning of my visit. I visited the location that afternoon, and completed the shop perfectly. IS refused to pay me because PART of my inquiry was on the morning of the shop, and the dealer never responded to any of the inquiry components, nor did they follow up. I explained the problems to IS in detail. Clearly, this is exactly what K wants to know., but IS, in their black-hearted way, simply refused to pay. I have not had but 3 or 4 issues with IS over ten years, but I have now had enough of them. Never again. I put them on the ten foot pole list.