Intelli shop no pay no shop!

@wrosie wrote:

@BabyBooey19 wrote:

Speaking of IntelliShop Dealerships..... I sometimes see Dealership shops on the board - but NO days available. There's one in my area for $100. but no days available. Now, they bumped it tot $105 but again - no days available. Why bump the price on a shop that may not exist according to their own calendar?

There is a six month rotation on these shops so if six months hasn't transpired since you last did the location, no dates would be available.

Guaranteed these shops I speak of are out of the 6 month limit. Like now I'm looking at screen - one I've never ever done before was 105 a few days ago. Now 115. But the assignment calendar shows no available dates.

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IS lies and cheats the shoppers 'occasionally', but there is a method to their madness: Simply put: They are slaves to the K corporation, and if IS gets ANY pushback, regarding a shop from "K:, or the dealership, they take the easy way out, and don't pay the shopper. They do not advocate for the validity of your information, delivered on time and properly. It is far easier for them to throw you under the bus and refuse to pay. For example, the dealer website was down for one of my shops, and my 'inquiry' took a couple more days to complete. It was finally completed on the morning of my visit. I visited the location that afternoon, and completed the shop perfectly. IS refused to pay me because PART of my inquiry was on the morning of the shop, and the dealer never responded to any of the inquiry components, nor did they follow up. I explained the problems to IS in detail. Clearly, this is exactly what K wants to know., but IS, in their black-hearted way, simply refused to pay. I have not had but 3 or 4 issues with IS over ten years, but I have now had enough of them. Never again. I put them on the ten foot pole list.
Do a few shops where they don’t ask for contact information and they instantly think you falsified you shop and won’t give you and reply. All that proves if the dealerships didn’t ask. The sales people don’t want to waste their time if you don’t buy a car that moment. I’ve had shops where they didn’t even ask my name.
If they can get away without paying a shopper over a few hundred bucks they will do it and not care if they lose a shopper.
The thing is the shops were accepted and given to the client. That means they were used and intellishop just didn’t pay. I had a score of 10 btw.
They have to pay for some of these shops to some people and cheat the people who did a bunch. The email subject line posts shops for $140 all the shops in the link are the same pay! They nor any other msc can have different pay for different shops in the same link. If your looking at the job board that is something different. None of them were $140. I also checked every single location from the link in the email. Stacy tried to tell me that the urgent ones were $140 and the rest were $80. No. Not true. Every location was still available from that email.
I guess I am lucky, then. I've had none of these problems with the MSC and have certainly done shops that did not go as the client expects. I've received no reply to my inquiry, gotten no follow up and not been asked my name a few times but all have been paid and accepted.

How do you know that a rejected shop was still sent to the client?
I think each place gets shopped more than once per month as there are multiple posting at the beginning of the month. I may be wrong here but some MSCs will gray out available dates on a location if a shopper is already scheduled for it until they know that the shop has been done correctly. And there could be a rotation for the client, where they don't want two or three shops done all in the same week. I don't worry about why they do what they do as long as they uphold their end of any contract I agree to. So far, they have, for me, over many, many years.
@Shoppers56 wrote:

No need to post if they pay.


I intend to live forever. So far, so good.
Sestra-I have had three (out of nearly 80) K shops that were not paid.....all fell into the category of "no inquiry contact" or "no follow up"....I found out from a IS manager in Ohio that when a K dealership pushes back, IS always capitulates and has no appetite for proving them wrong.....even though the inquiry screenshots and other photo data are submitted! I guess the question is whether or not to sue IS or argue the facts ad nauseum until one becomes a big enough PIA for IS to pay up. I find those options highly distasteful, considering that I would likely be dropped by IS for just being ethical.....(that does not seem to mesh well with their corporate culture!).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/24/2023 02:44PM by salisburync.
I drove to one location in the middle of nowhere since it was highly paid. It took me a few hours and at least $25 in gas. It was pouring rain and took forever to get there. They were the shadiest dealership I had ever visited. I did not get paid. I did everything they asked. The report was detailed.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2023 01:14PM by Niner.
@BabyBooey19 wrote:

@wrosie wrote:

@BabyBooey19 wrote:

Speaking of IntelliShop Dealerships..... I sometimes see Dealership shops on the board - but NO days available. There's one in my area for $100. but no days available. Now, they bumped it tot $105 but again - no days available. Why bump the price on a shop that may not exist according to their own calendar?

There is a six month rotation on these shops so if six months hasn't transpired since you last did the location, no dates would be available.

Guaranteed these shops I speak of are out of the 6 month limit. Like now I'm looking at screen - one I've never ever done before was 105 a few days ago. Now 115. But the assignment calendar shows no available dates.

Had the same experience as you, self assign with no days available. $150 shop pay.

I emailed the scheduler stating it's been 5 months since I shopped the location and what day I wanted to do the shop and 2 hours later it was assigned to me.

I've been paid for two of these shops already. No problems. And one they didn't ask for my contact information and that's what I reported. They just had the lead information I gave them.

It may be a dealership by dealership situation of rejecting a shop. I don't know.
I've noticed that the emails have specials on only a few urgent shops. Even then, the same location could be listed at a lower amount too on the board if, for example, they have one urgent shop there and two that are not urgent. If you accept a shop emailed with a higher fee, you have to email them back once you assign it, then they update your pay. They don't automatically give higher fees on all the shops, only the shop(s) in the email and only for the shop(s) they need rushed. In other words, once the rush shop is gone, they don't give that fee anymore. That's been my experience.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/04/2023 06:29PM by interested.
I am so sick of these “I’ve completed X amount of shops for MSC and never had a problem” posts.

Good!!! Now add something beneficial to thread that’ll help the OP.

Don’t stretch out the thread with useless information.

There’s a kudos section of this site where you can talk about not having problems with the MSC.
AWhitman states--I am so sick of these “I’ve completed X amount of shops for MSC and never had a problem” posts.

Bob suggests--If such posts cause you mental, physical and/or emotional distress, avoid reading. As for me, I appreciate the sharing of experiences.
Sbob- while I often side with you, and enjoy, your posts, I think you might need to consider that someone stating that they are "sick" of certain posts is also sharing...just saying....
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