Irene_L.A. Wrote:
> Steve, Instructions clearly say, "We have correct
> count through ticket stubs, so you need to be
> right", that is enough for me, and since I go to
> most movies alone, and bring my own stuff, not
> worth it.
There's no way to ensure what is "right", since there are still people who sneak into showings in theatres with multiple auditoriums. In the shops requiring a count, the trick is to sit in the back, and they will often tell you that in the instructions.
That said, the bottom line is that these shops DO differ, depending upon the company, and also depending on whether or not it's a competitor shop. That, and also, to each their own! I've only done movie shops for one company, but a friend of mine who did a shop for a company that reimbursed for two tickets, said it was a royal pain.