
Well, I'll be the guinea pig, after saying never again. I took their ice creme shops, it's hot here and I want ice creme. I signed to do one next week, I wrote them and said, this is a trial for me, I hope I get paid whithin reason. I received a great email thanking me for doing the shop...will keep you posted, I believe in second and third chances....for a small amount of $$.

Live consciously....

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Good luck to you. I am about to write them off. I am still waiting for march shops to be paid. It will be exactly 90 days in a few days and I am hoping that with an inquiry about that one that I will also be paid for april and may shops.
Unicorn Wrote:
> I have always been paid by them and usually within
> 60 days

Really is that recently? I am still waiting for March shops to be paid and on Wednesday it will be 90 days when I plan to put in an inquiry for my March, April and May jobs. Refused to do any in June until I get paid.
Goodwin is very, very slow to pay. In my experience a MINIMUM of 3 months, usually 4-5 and you have to chase them down for payment. Very rarely have I been paid without having to put in a phone call or send an email. They eventually pay. It just takes a long, long time.
It's not just that Goodwin pays slowly that bugs me, it's the fact that you also have to ASK for your money.
Irene, I really admire you for taking a chance with Goodwin. I would love to shop one of their shops; they have so many where I live.

However, after reading all these bad reports on how long they take to pay, I don't have the time to chase after them.

Please pm me if and when you do get paid. Good Luck.
Thanks and I will report back. Before taking their great ice creme shop, I emailed them and spoke of my reserve. I got a return email thanking me for trying and saying they have resolved the problem...this was ice creme, I won't put out alot of $$. I expect to be paid the end of Aug., and will pm you. kittybratt Wrote:
> Irene, I really admire you for taking a chance
> with Goodwin. I would love to shop one of their
> shops; they have so many where I live.
> However, after reading all these bad reports on
> how long they take to pay, I don't have the time
> to chase after them.
> Please pm me if and when you do get paid. Good
> Luck.

Live consciously....
kittybratt Wrote:
> Irene, I really admire you for taking a chance
> with Goodwin. I would love to shop one of their
> shops; they have so many where I live.
> However, after reading all these bad reports on
> how long they take to pay, I don't have the time
> to chase after them.
> Please pm me if and when you do get paid. Good
> Luck.

Could you please let me know too. If what it takes is an email to them before taking the shop, I would rather try the same tactic rather than writing them off since they do have lots of shops in my area. Thanks.
I tried one assignment with them. It was around the first of January. I did not get paid until a few weeks ago, BUT once I really put effort into contacting them, I received payment within a week.
I received a response to my inquiry that I would be paid in another 10-15 business days to which I responded that that was way too long to wait since it had already exceeded 90 days and to please expedite reimbursement and pay me sooner. I will keep you all posted.
I took a theater shop before I read up about Goodwin. I read, after I laid out about $35 to take me and the grandkids to see Secretariat at the "big screen". I wrote it off expecting then that it would take months if ever to get paid. I was paid within 90 days and it was a surprise and a blessing when I opened the envelope and found the check. I haven't done any more shops for them yet, but I've been TDB (Too Daggone Busy!) too look at shops that pay slow.

Today I Will Choose Joy!

"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!
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