Negative comments can cost?

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I have been paid for all my shops except for the two where I had negative comments. Has anyone else had this happen?

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Nope. Perhaps the number of shops 'needing clarification' has been a higher percentage of negative shops compared to positive ones, but I have seen no correlation in shop rejection.
I have never had a shop rejection becasue of my negative or postive comments.
i have shops returned because of negative comments that were opinions... or no answers that were unexplained ... i just had to change things around... in the end i got a lower rating (on those that rated) i always got paid though...but never had a shop rejected for it...must be a pretty strict scheduler... i would get specifics on what you did put down before doing more shops for this company... no one likes not getting paid...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
There is one MSC that is solid, however,on one shop, I had to report some negatives, and was paid, but my 10 rating dropped to an 8, saying they had to email me about it. I have not gotten that specific shop again, but still work for them. This shop is usually excellent, but had an off day, I still had to report it. They should not hold your pay, or lower your rating, but....

Live consciously....
I had one msc that said the retail client complained because I did not award enough rewards certificates to employees who frankly, did not always deserve them.

So now I go and give them out no matter what. I cringe to think teens are being spoiled by us rewarding them just for performing the basic expected tasks on the job.

God help us when they leave school for the real job world!!!
Arch Stanton, you are so right on.
Just the other day I bought a buttered roll & a lottery ticket from a convenience store that I've shopped in the past. I tried but found absolutely no reason for awards, much too dirty. This time, my lottery ticket stuck to the counter. The clerk watched as I peeled it off and shrugged her shoulders with indifference and invited the fool behind me to put his taco on the syrupy soda ringed counter.
I've noticed that this location no longer appears on the to be shopped list. The one time I evaluated it, I got reprimanded for being too picky. I can't wait for the board of health to close them down!
Let's celebrate nit pickers!
I love all these tip jars too....everybody expects to get tipped simply for doing their job. Funny if it were not so pathetic!!!
I find when you too many negative comments are made about an employee, even if true, the scheduler emails for further information. I have, not had a shop rejected for negative comments.

However, I do agree, the more negative comments you have in a report, it does not make the company very happy.

When I know that the negative comments might be a problem, and I have a relationship with a mystery shop company, I call before submitting the report. In that particular instance, I do not have any further clarification emails.
And I can understand that they really want to make sure that the issue was with the employee rather than a shopper being out of sorts. When somebody really rubs you the wrong way you tend to see nothing but negatives--at least that is my tendency that I have to resist very hard.
I would rather lose pay on a shop than lie about it. If they operate as you say, I would never shop for them again. It is what it is! There are just so many jobs out there with great companies. If you are at fault, fix it. If you are not at fault, move on.
What if your heart surgeon or your favorite veterinarian been given an OK, when they actually needed more training?
I worked in retail for over 30 years and am now a shopper. The companies that I worked for wanted the honest comments, both positive and negative. Isn't that our job: to help the companies improve? I will say, after reading many shopper reports, you can spot the ones that are writing from the car.

hopefully heart surgeons dont get shopped...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
On one report for a shop it asks you to describe 3 attributes. I tend to write more rather than less so I gave 4-5 sentences for each. I got an 8/10 stating I wrote too much there and most comments go in the narrative - to just write one or two and then put the rest later. So I started doing that which was apparently fine for the next 6 shops which were 10/10. Then I get another 8/10 stating that it is required to list 3 statements per attribute and I was only listing 2! I forwarded them the previous email and they said whoever wrote that was mistaken. So I asked if that one (with 3-4) could be rated 10 since it met these requirements only to be told "We can't change others ratings." Sometimes you have to remind yourself it's all a game and meant to make big bucks for the company but not the shopper and just keep going or find new companies.
I have never had a shop rejected because the report was negative, even though I have done a couple that were REALLY negative. Ironically, my favorite steakhouse shop is either really good or really bad, depending on the night I go in.... the MSP never even questions the negative reports. Although I do spend a lot of time on a negative report - I hate to write a bad report because it takes so much longer than a good report.
yeah most companies want narritive if it goes bad... nice if you can just click all the yes boxes and hit submit... makes the job easier...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
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