Maritz 5-Minute Bank Shops

Well, I got called today and asked to do a couple of the 5-minute bank shops. I told the guy that I have only done one and I will not do them again. I explained to him that they are twice as much work as the 10-minute shops and pay a dollar less. He then asked if I would do them for a bonus. I asked him how much and he said twenty bucks each. I told him these shops were in opposite directions, each about 25 miles from my home, and that it wouldn't be worth it for me, even for $30.

So, they've gotten it from me that I'm not going to do these horrible shops that require way too much for $8.50. I hope others will join me and let them know, also.

Steve... smiling smiley
Fresno, CA - and shopping all over the middle part of the state!

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I dislike those Maritz bank shops. The schedulers are very pushy.

I have not personally completed one, but I was called about 10 times a day.
Personally I love them. I do 20 a month and all within 2-3 days for my route, and then wait for materials in the mail.
I loved them until the bankers on my route remembered me when I'd come back. It just became too awkward after a while. I self-impose a rotation on myself now. I switched to doing the existing customer shops with the bankers, too. They pay more, the report is much shorter, and there is only one image to upload per shop.

Quisim Wrote:
> Personally I love them. I do 20 a month and all
> within 2-3 days for my route, and then wait for
> materials in the mail.
Quisim Wrote:
> Hmmm, are you able to do as many?

No, the client only allows you to do one per day. There are three companies that shop this client, and each states that rule.

If racking up a big route of the 5 and 10-minute bank shops is your thing and you don't mind the reports and scanning all the stuff, they're better paying in the long run just because of the number you can do.

I've just gotten to the point where I prefer to do less and pick them up as fillers when I'm doing other routes. I just became very burned out on the 5 and 10-minute shops. There's only so many times you can visit a small branch of a bank and ask about accounts.
I used to do these shops. But when they added the phone calls and more material to scan and send, whith shop numbers on the covers and a longer report, and only added a dollar, I got angry.
They also added a question: Are there any other comments you want to make?
I thought, why would I bother to make more work for myself and give comments, when they are not paying me for it?
I wrote in the comment section, that I thought they should not require more work for less pay.
After that, I did not see the shops on my list of availables anymore. I recently asked one of the schedulers about it and she told me the client asked to remove me because I made "not nice" comments about them. Well, shopeprs beware, you are not allowed to complain. If you don't like the pay, just say no.
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