
Does anyone work for this company? Do they do the shops themselves or sub it out? I couldnt find a sign up form.

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The website looks archaic, but legitimate. They have had the website registered for some time. I checked some resources and only found comment about them back in 2005 with no big raving reviews but no complaints either. I gather that they are fairly inactive if not defunct. They are using one of the standards in software for their shopper management, which would speak to legitimacy.
Just did a job for them a few weeks ago. They called me and signed me up. Super nice people and quick 2 week pay. I would love to do more work for them.
Skil651 Wrote:
We search for our shoppers mainly
> through ShadowShoppers. As we are a small
> company, we do pay quickly and you never pay to
> shop with us.

Welcome to the board Skil651. Let me encourage you to make use of our job board when you have work available. Many/most of us have never signed up with Shadow Shopper because we do not care to pay to shop.
And I just dropped an email to a shopper I think is in that area or close enough for it to be feasible. :-)
And I just rechecked the map and she is too far for it to be feasible. But yes, we do try to help each other stay employed productively!
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