Age requirements?

Hello everyone! I'm an Australian 17 year old who recently stumbled upon mystery shopping through a job listing for a company called Above Benchmark. It seemed like something that I would be interested in, so I spent the day reading articles about it and checking out different companies. During my research I noticed that a lot of the companies I found require you to be 18, so I went back to Above Benchmark's site to check if they were the same. I couldn't find any information relating to a minimum age, and I'm not sure if I would be able to work there or not.

I don't think anyone will have advice for that specific company as it's based in Australia and most members here seem to be in the US. But from your experience, do all companies generally need you to be 18? Are there any that allow minors to apply? Should I email the company asking them about it, or should I just apply and trust that they'll reject me if I'm too young?
Thank you in advance for any advice smiling smiley

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I will answer for the US, where the age of majority is 18, just as it is in Australia. In order to sign a legal contract, you must be 18 in the US. Accepting and then completing a mystery shop is effectively accepting a contract. My suspicion is that when you try to sign up, you will not be able to do so because of your age.

Shopping Southeast Pennsylvania, Delaware above the canal, and South Jersey since 2008
e-mailing them is a good idea. There are shops where an underage person tries to buy cigarettes. I think they are doing so with an adult shopper. Not sure how it works.

Could be worth while to keep checking it out and finding all the companies that operate in Australia. Ther3 was an Australian Mysteryshopforum. That might still exist.
@prince wrote:

e-mailing them is a good idea. There are shops where an underage person tries to buy cigarettes. I think they are doing so with an adult shopper. Not sure how it works.

Could be worth while to keep checking it out and finding all the companies that operate in Australia. Ther3 was an Australian Mysteryshopforum. That might still exist.

Yes, for these age compliance shops the shop is in the parents shop log & they are paid.
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