The Brandt Group

Has anybody had any experiences with The Brandt Group? Their website is []. From what I have heard some really good things and just looking for more feedback.

New to the game!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/07/2011 08:38PM by greggalex.

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I also heard good things, signed with them to find they have no jobs in CA.

Live consciously....
They are great to work with. The schedulers are really easy to work with, and the editors are really nice. I've never had an issue with them. I just wish they had more work in my area!
I did a couple of jobs when they had a sporting goods store here in CA, but they ended up closing the one near me. I get notices from them every once in a while, but there is never anything near me now.

Steve... smiling smiley
Fresno, CA - and shopping all over the middle part of the state!
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Sounds like these guys do a good job and more companies need to use them so there are more shops available. What states are they in so far? Anything in over on the east coast?

New to the game!
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