Jiffy Lube

Did they move to a new MSC? I've been shopping them since the beginning and now they are poof gone...


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There are a couple doing these oil changes, don't know which one your talking about.

Live consciously....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/07/2011 06:53PM by Irene_L.A..
The MSC that has had Jiffy Lube in my area still has them. That's the DC Metro area.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Jiffy Lube Secret Shopping Website

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2624 Airpark Drive B., Santa Maria CA 93455 | Phone: 805.354.7077 | tkmead@jiffyportal.com


See Below. Looks like they now have an internal ms program of their own...just found this by Googling and found it after I messaged you.

I also found a Montana Jiffy Lube offering a free oil change in exchange for doing a mystery shop. Could not cut and paste it.

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After posting above, I just found some Jiffy Lube shops done by the same msc that shops Six Flags and that also shops the Georgia Theaters chain.

But maybe they are just waiting for their msc contract to expire and they will not renew it.

Or maybe some franchise and/or regional Jiffy Lube shops will continue???
The msc that shops Spencer Gifts and that does the BJ's guest pass shop has just posted some Jiffy Lube shops.
I'm doing one, their scheduled for June 19th and self-assign...same MSC as I did them for. Tons of them, PM me.....

Live consciously....
I sent an email to Jiffy Lube and got a response stating that their new program does not cover the locations "in the East."

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
To the above: They are incorrect, many north east coast locations around NYC are posted right now. Maybe the person meant the southeast portions of America???
I had told the MD and DC, and they said none of the ones they were doing were in my area. Then they added the statement about "the East." Who knows what that means. Some New Yorkers have been heard to refer to Minnesota as the Northwest.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
md is technically part of the mid atlantic... depends on who makes the map... we talk about the "middle east" but who determines what is east and west... answer the british... and the greenwich line...

the jiffy lubes that are in PA are being shopped..they have emailed me 9 times and never raised the price once... i am going to call and ask for a bonus...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
In my area which is Dayton, OH the Jiffy Lubes have a new MSC that is handling them now. You must be a good detective or Sleuth in order to find out who is the MSC handling them now.
Just did mine yesterday, bad location, run down shop would not go there again...charge $36.99 (41.00 total) for basic oil change, they don't use synethic blend oil, which is better for casr and lasts longer, and my dealership does at $29.00. Why would their price for a inferior oil be more?

Live consciously....
I just saw the Service listed for the NE and I ain't no Sleuth.
How's the report? It seems to pay poorly or am I wrong?.
Dealerships sometimes charge less and sometimes charge a whole lot more. I have done oil changes at a dealership that were $60 on a shop and took about 4 hours for them to get around to it. On the other hand, the hybrid's oil changes have changed from close to $70 when we got the car to $23 the last time we were in so that the dealership can claim still lower costs of having a hybrid to potential purchasers. But they use the visit to tell you you need new wiper blades and other services (wiper blades are about $50 a pair from the dealership). I normally do an outside oil change shop with my non-hybrid that runs about $39 because I need 5+ quarts of oil in my vehicle. It is done with a check of lights, tires, fluids and free replacement of wiper blades in about 20 minutes. There is nothing 'inferior' about the brand of oil that they use and since I get an oil change whenever the calendar says I can do the shop, there is no reason to use synthetic blend oil. A major advantage of the synthetic is that it lasts longer and if I was not getting regular oil changes it would still be useful after 4 or 5 months. At least that was what my oil change places have told me when I asked what was the advantage of the stuff.
These shops allow you to only get 5 quarts, no more. They do the routine filter, fluids check. They did not check my wipers, but should have, and yes, it took 15 minutes. The Honda Dealership has a shuttle that takes you wherever you want to go, and picks you up when done, usually about 2 hours. I go over to the mall or farmers market, no big deal. I hear the synthetic lasts up to 5,000 miles, plus you get a carwash (another 10.00$), whereas this last 3,000...so, again, I think they charge too much. My experience is Dealerships have come down in price compared to before I was msing. I didn't have to pay for it, that's the good news.

Live consciously....
Yes, quite a number of the oil changes only allow 5 quarts. That has excluded my truck and more recently, taking my kid's Mazda sedan. I find that with the small fee, even the extra oil for the truck is covered since usually the oil changes pay only for a 5 quart or less job. With systematic oil changes every 90 days I rarely, if ever, have exceeded 3000 miles. And I believe with at least one company I can go EITHER with 90 days OR 3000+ miles. And I do my carwash as a separate shop that has an okay fee and goes well beyond just a drive through the tunnel.
I have now found that a second MSC is doing them also. I sgned up with the first and am doing a shop on 07/05/2011 with Jiffy Lube.
I am looking for an oil change shop. I know there are multiple businesses that do oil changes, who also have mystery shop companies.

I know Intellishop does one business. What other companies do ms at oil change places? Don't need specifics of which companies shop which businesses. Just general info...
Within the past month I have performed one for Service Sleuth and got a call from Bestmark to do a different one, but couldn't take it since I just had my oil changed in the eligible vehicle.
Arch Stanton you know that mentioning a MSC after the client is named is a violation of your ICA with that client.
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