mrcomputer101 Wrote:
> I made the mistake of responding to an email
> listing for cell phone shops, from a GFK
> scheduler. "Easy Shops! Great Pay!" Bull!
> GFK cell phone shops pay $11.00 plus a report.
> 2 other MSC's I shop for pay $15.00 plus, a much
> easier report.
> There other 2 MSC's have decent, responsive
> schedulers. Apparently, GFK does not.
> I arrived on time. It was "Take a number and wait
> your turn". I did. 25 minutes later, a woman walks
> in and was waited on immediately. Unwilling to
> waste any more time, I left. I immediately shot
> the scheduler an email explaining all of this. I
> asked for further instructions.
> 2 days later, I am notified by GFK, My shop has
> been dropped due to my failure to complete it. I
> still had not heard back from the scheduler.
> Later, I get an email from the same scheduler,
> offering the same shop plus 2 others.
> Folks, I was nice in my response that she had not
> responded to my request for further instructions
> and my shop was cancelled. This time I got a quick
> reply. She stated she was sorry but, she had
> thousands of shoppers and the job still had to be
> done.
> I am no longer interested in GFK's cell phone
> shops. If you want to know which scheduler - Shoot
> me a PM...:p
I got so many requests for these shops that I had to shoot them over to a filter. I also had to learn the lesson that, "easy shops, great pay," usually means, "we can't fill these shops because they are cheap, long, soul-sucking detritus that nobody wants to do." Another company that famously does this is Intellishop. Beware GFK's big box shops too. There's plenty of discussion about those on another thread.