Doing all they can not to pay

I did a shop for ICCDS and they are dong all they can not to pay. The shop only pays 10.00 and reimburses 2. It does not even pay minimum wage.

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Then don't work for them. I have not had a problem, but I don't do their underpaid shops to start with.

By the way, 4 posts, 2 anti a specific air conditioning company and two anti ICCDS? Don't you think that is a little overkill? What companies DO you like to work with?
Hello Easygoing - I had some unpaid shops with ICCDS, but I re-submitted invoices and they paid me. They have a place in their website you can check to be sure they have your invoices. You may need to re-submit. You can do that by forwarding them copies of the emails that you sent originally to submit the invoices. Here's hoping it all works out for you on getting paid. It looks like you're talking about the grocery store. I wish it paid more, too, but it's air conditioned, not complicated, and a pretty simple report. This shop, like all the others, gets easier and faster the more of them you do. I'm usually in the store 25 to 30 minutes, and the report isn't hard. Not gonna get rich, but better than a kick in the head.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
I have NEVER not been paid by ICCDS. As the above poster said, and has been posted in numerous other threads about the company, from time to time, several of us have had to resend invoices
I cannot understand why anyone would do a $10 shop yikes! Easygoing- try video shopping- WAY better pay and reliable companies
I can explain why I do a $10.00 shop. If I have no other alternative job for that time slot, my income will be $00.00. When I do the $10.00 shop, I have more money than when I started. I don't drive to Kansas for these shops--I pick them up on a route. I can pass them by, or stop and shop and get $10.00 more that day. The company has no reason to pay more. These shops are always picked up at $10.00. However, I have done several that were "flaked" for some nice money. Adding two $10.00 shops per week to a schedule will result in added income of $1,040.00 for the year. I don't leave $1,040.00 on the table if I have time to get it and nothing more lucrative to do. I have found this company to be responsive and agreeable.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
I do have to say I have shopped with them but not in a while. I completed a shop to help out the scheduler. I was told that there would be an additional non-monetary "bonus" with the completed shop that would be useful to me (I can't specify but it was related to the particular shop) so I accepted it. I completed the shop perfectly with no issue but the scheduler balked when I asked about the promised "bonus." She claimed it would only be in effect if I completed additional shops for her...that was not the original agreement. I sent a letter and copied the original email to me with the "bonus" information. She was not particularly polite or professional so I just decided I wouldn't shop with them again. It happens but one needs to just accept it and move on. I have terrific relationships with so many companies and schedulers and one bad seed is just one bad seed. Good luck!
MDAVIS gets it! I don't do super low paying jobs, but if I'm on a route and can pick up a 15 minute $14 pool supply shop that has a quick report, I will grab it. And adding in 10 post offices that take little to no time to set up and accomplish for $17 each is a no brainer to me. I'm going to be on my way to somewhere those days whether it's a gas station or a restaurant or a bank so I might as well pick up another $10 or so in that part of town. I don't do a time consuming shop for that kind of money except for the big box electronics ones. They never pay more. I use them to load up a gift card that I use to buy ink and other supplies. And now I have my eye on that wand scanner. lol I did six last month and have another tomorrow. Won't be too long before I have my scanner!

I'm doing gas stations for $10 plus 2 gallons of gas. The first few took me over an hour but I've developed my system now and can do one in about 30 minutes. I'll get faster if I learn not to chat with the employees. lol

Better get to that nap so I can get up and write reports in the wee hours. I'm soooo sleepy.
I have done many shops for ICCDS and never had any problems with them. I agree that most of their shops do not pay that well. Howeer, I have not had a payment issue with this company. There are companies out there that are a problem, but ICCDS is definitely not one of them.

If you have a problem with them, try to work it out.
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