I really don't worry much whether they are self assign or request. In either event I want to be there first for the jobs I am interested in doing. What I find critical is roughly WHEN they post. I am not at all above posting in my shop log the day to start looking for jobs with a company. Some companies make this very easy for us by stating when their next round of postings is expected, while others you just have to make an educated guess.
When I opened my shop log this morning I knew there were two companies that should post today, my shops to do for the day, the doctor's visit scheduled for today and several non shop phone calls I needed to make. I live by my shop sheet to get everything done. I picked up a nice handful of shops from one of the companies that posted, but with the other I was out of rotation. While I was at it, I wiped their names off today's part of the shop sheet and moved them out to the next time I expect them to post. With companies that have only a shop or two with long rotations, when I do the shop I mark the future month when I am eligible again so that I make sure I remember to select or request it.
This evening my shop sheet shows the jobs done today as done and reported, complete with actual mileage and rembursement adjusted to actual cost. The doctor visit has been moved to another sheet with the mileage and copay amount paid of it, along with the cost of the prescriptions that were picked up on the way home (all this for taxes). The non shop phone calls yielded future appointments for various services that have now been entered on the shop sheet as a reminder, and the new shops are all logged in. A requested shop has been logged in and highlighted in yellow to remind me that it is requested but not assigned so I don't double book.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/31/2011 11:05PM by Flash.