Please advise on which MS Companies to sign up in Cincinnati?

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Presumably, you realize that you are asking your competitors to help you take shopping assignments away from them? My advice is to start signing up with MSCs and you will find ones with shops in Cincinnati. wrote:

Mystery Shops in Cincinnati, OH

Shopping Southeast Pennsylvania, Delaware above the canal, and South Jersey since 2008
market force website, jobslinger free version website, and presto insta shopper app

shopping north west PA and south west ny
Asking which MS companies operate in Cincinnati is like asking which airlines serve Covington. Most of the big ones, most of the time, with service changing constantly and smaller ones arriving and leaving the marketplace continuously with different levels of market penetration when present.

That said, do you think a new bakery entering the Cincinnati market would ask their competitors, "Who are your best cookie, cake, and bread customers? I wish to contact them and see if they will give me business which they currently give you."

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/16/2022 02:47AM by Rousseau.
As luckyforl mentioned, you never know. I initially signed up with a small MSC in 2005. From 2008 to 2010, I completed 294 shops, all with above average pay, for three clients having multiple locations. In the last 12 yrs., though, I have only completed three jobs, as they had lost all three local accounts.
A link titled "Official List of Mystery Shopping Companies" is available at the bottom of the page. I would suggest going through each company that is still in business and signing up (some of the companies are no longer in operation). If you can fill out 15-20 applications a day, you should have no problem obtaining jobs quickly.

I noticed that you are a new participant and have only been on the forum for 3 months. Some of the responses given to your question appear rude, but you are asking for information that has taken other shoppers (which are your competitors) years of trial and error to compile. There is a wealth of knowledge here, but a lot of it is learned by trial and error. Welcome to the forum and good luck with those apps! smiling smiley wrote:

Mystery Shops in Cincinnati, OH
Sign up for them all. You just never know. Some clients change companies often. For example, one of the biggest, Market Force has had zero shops in my area for years now.
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