Intouch Insight and Nevada shopping?

I'm curious if Intouch Insight has a PI license to post shops in Nevada? I see shops posted. However, it was my understanding an MSC had to have a PI license and had to hire licensed shoppers.

I work for 2 big companies out in Nevada that required me to upload my PILB card and fill out tons of ppwk. It does not seem like Intouch requires that and jobs can just be taken off the ISS platform. I did not try to assign one to see if there was some process in place to make me prove I was a licensed shopper.

Any Nevada shoppers willing to admit working for them even if they are NOT licensed? If your handle is not tied to your email address, they wouldn't know if you said you did them or not.

Just planning my next Vegas trip and was curious. Even more curious why the 2 main MSC providers wouldn't go after competition for violating Nevada laws.

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I know I've been doing fine dining and bar shops at an Indian Casino and I've been really pleased.

They pay every 2 weeks, so if you do a $200 restaurant visit, you could get paid before your credit card bill comes.

The only problem I've experienced is the schedulers don't work after 5 PM on Friday until Monday morning. There's been times I decided to go to the casino a between those two times and there wasn't a way I could self assign them.

The scheduler I've worked with, has other wise been very responsive. They bought SeeLevel and I got paid 7 days after doing two $35 shops on the SeeLevel website.

Perhaps SeeLevel has a PI license to allow them to schedule in Vegas.
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