
Isn't it s good feeling when people ask you to shop for them? I think that's why you never give up the small shops. I like the good hotel shops as much as I like a burger on the run.

My favorite good shops:

The shops where presenting an award made the staff's whole day!

The shops where you give a guy a $100 gift card for telling you the right things.

Hotel Clerks who say the right things......the list goes on and on ....

A scheduler calling to ask if I can help them. (Not the $10-$20 shops.)

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I love working with people and meeting people. Shopping allows me to do both. I have learned a lot on different subjects just from doing shops. I also like it that I go somewhere different nearly every day.
The varity is one reason I enjoy shopping, something new enjoy the great help and writing a good positive report, hoping the help gets a raise or promotion. I suggested when JC&Assoc. bird restaurants were strong here in L.A. that they implement a program for kids, buy 10, get a free dessert and it was there, I'm taking credit for that one, cause I put it in report so many times. Haven't spent a dime on restaurants for a couple years, the "free: food is awsome, and I get reports out in no time these days. Definitely has an upside, now if we could make more $$, wouldn't it be lovely, varity and money....

Live consciously....
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