shopperbob Wrote:
> After receiving up to 40+ E-letters in a day, this
> matter re-occurring on several occasions and the
> scheduler ignoring my plea to reduce the traffic,
> I entered the website and requested I no longer
> receive notices. Unfortunately, I was still
> finding mail from them in my in-box, but at a
> reduced volume. Finally, in frustration I called
> the company and asked for deactivation, which was
> granted. I only burn a bridge as a last resort,
> but there are times when destruction's the only
> solution to a problem.
Unfortunately, because of the barely existent filtering system, email notification with ICCDS is feast or famine.
In regard to payment, they're often on time to the day, sometimes early, and from time to time, a couple of days late. I'd wait at least 4 days before inquiring. (I'm currently in a slightly late mode myself, but I'm not worried -- this company pays, and unless there's some type of mistake, they are NEVER very late.)