nicelytwicely Wrote:
> Ryan, I work for ICCDS pretty regularly. Some of
> your jobs pay fairly, while others do not. Your
> purchase/return shops are some of the lowest out
> there, which I find really disturbing in the case
> of one high-end client. (I won't do that shop,
> solely because of the low fee.)
> The other thing is the filtering system, as it
> relates to geographic location. When I first
> signed up for ICCDS, I was told that the computer
> database would eventually get "smarter" as I
> accepted/rejected shops. Fast forward, years
> later, I still get offers in cities other than my
> own, and up to about 60 miles away. Many
> companies have a filtering system where a shopper
> can note a radius they're willing to travel. It
> would be great if ICCDS would implement something
> like that.
> That said, ICCDS is one of my favorite companies
> to work for, and I love that you've come on here
> to get feedback.
Ditto. I have noticed, though, that I am getting a ton of shops on the same client, multiple locations within the same 3-5 day window. Pay is low, reimbursement is minimal (think $2. When there is very little I can buy in the store for the reimbursement price, I am very unlikely to take 2-3 of those for you.
Like NT, the high end purchase/return shop makes me crazy. The lowest priced item there hovers around $50 and the average is over $100. The one item they carry in the $25-30 range is not permitted as a buy by the client. That is probably the most ridiculous shop I've heard of. ( other than the teeny-bopper clothing shop for another MSC, where you cannot return for anything other than store credit.)
$12 is just not enough to make me do that shop, unless I can combine it with 3-4 more for you or other MSCs in the same mall. For both trips.