Secret Shopper

This company put out a lot of shops. I did 2 and was never paid. Be careful with them.

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I haven't shopped much with them, but only because they don't have much here. The shops I have done were paid, on time.
I recommend calling them. Secret Shopper, also known as Sights on Service, is a reputable company and pays by check and the check says Sights on Service rather than Secret Shopper. Several shoppers have come to the forum to report that they received payments from a company named Sights on Service after not doing any work for them....and then realized that Sights on Service is Secret Shopper and they were being paid for shops they had actually done. I have done numerous shops over the last few years and never failed to be paid by them.
Glad you have, It's been over 2 months now! They have a national soft serve chain here in Tx. You have to buy soft serve or a food item for a flat fee of 10.00.
I've done several of these shops for them and have always been paid by check the last week of the month following the shop. I would definitely contact them. Maybe they have your wrong mailing address?

Docrw673 Wrote:
> Glad you have, It's been over 2 months now! They
> have a national soft serve chain here in Tx. You
> have to buy soft serve or a food item for a flat
> fee of 10.00.
I have just received two Postal Money Orders to do a shop for Secret Shoppers. This is my very first assignment and I am a little concerned. I don't think anybody can duplicate a PMO, but you never know. Anybody else that has used them gotten money orders?
NO, don't cash those money orders. Secret Shopper, also known as Sights on Service, does not send checks, money orders or cashiers checks in advance of doing a shop. Have you been told to cash the postal money orders and send some of the money to another party? If so, this is a common scam. This is the web address for Secret Shopper: []
Secret Shopper has a special scam alert page: []
All correspondence has been from the site you listed. All emails have had the link at the bottom of the page. It gives the same guys name on emails, checks, and shopper assignment paperwork. I believe it is legitmate. I am going to the Post office in the morning to check with them. Received it to late them to late today to do anything.
My guess is that your scammer is spoofing the website. A real easy way to check is to call the company at (763)525-1460. Did they mail out shop instructions? The real Secret Shopper you must test to be accepted as a shopper for the company. You then must request or self assign a shop. The shop instructions are posted on the website. I am 99.99999% sure you are being scammed because this is NOT the way Secret Shopper does business. And yes, PMOs are faked all the time. They are purchased for a small amount and then 'doctored' to be a big fat amount. I have never heard of the real Secret Shopper sending out any payments in advance. Their standard shop in my area pays about $15 as a fee unless there is a purchase requirement. When there is a purchase requirement they have a specific purchase required and most of the time if that purchase is going to be more than $15 there is no fee at all. They pay/reimburse you after the job is accepted.
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