Maritz payments

I was wondering when they pay. I got accepted for a shop the end of May/first week of June. I heard they were slow in payment so I was wondering approximately when they pay.

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Lizdreamz Wrote:
> I was wondering when they pay. I got accepted for
> a shop the end of May/first week of June. I heard
> they were slow in payment so I was wondering
> approximately when they pay.

Just a few weeks for me.
I've never heard of them being slow as long as you invoice them. End of May shop checks are mailed June 15th. Early June shop checks are mailed July 1st.
I have done 54 shops for Maritz and on average they have paid within 28 days.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2011 05:55PM by computer_man.
I really do not know where you heard Maritz pays slow. If the shop is done properly and invoiced, you will get paid on time.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/18/2011 11:06PM by kittybratt.
I do tons of work for Maritz. Their shops that are completed and invoiced for the first half of the month get paid on the following 1st of the month. The shops for the second half of the month get paid on the 15th of the following month. I usually get my checks in the mail about the 4th and 19th... sometimes a bit earlier but rarely any later. They are one of the fastest paying MSC's I know of.

Steve... smiling smiley
Fresno, CA - and shopping all over the middle part of the state!
I receive payments very quickly. Maritz is one of the few companies where you need to submit an invoice to them. Perhaps whoever told you they pay slow didn't realize they needed to do an invoice?
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