Corporate Research International

Do you think you're kept at bay due to competition from other shoppers or something else? Most shoppers would agree that their first round shops are low paying. Then, it's our choice of what we are willing to accept. Sometimes the shops can be built into a day of other shops, making it a better-paying day; other times, it's a big fat NO.

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I agree with you I am just leary of them of some reason, I think its fright really.
They are reasonable to work with and neither their expectations are outrageous nor are their reports complicated overall. Their jobs are pretty low paying when they originally post, but if they aren't being grabbed up in your area they will get bonused to get them done. Some of the jobs require training and it is generally a good idea to keep up the training on locations you would be willing to do if/when the price gets reasonable. Sometimes their training 'barks' but the bark is much worse than the bite.
They never bonus anything here. Even when left undone. :0(

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
charlened Wrote:
> I haven't tried again to pass the test. If they
> would let you know what you missed it would help.
> But you have to review the whole training again
> and all the test questions. I have being doing
> other shops instead.

If you cannot pass the test and they are desperate for someone to take the shop they will help you pass the test. Just call the scheduler and they will have you verbally give them the answers as you walk through the test.
I really thought last month they had kmart up to 35 but I guess I was wrong. But it starts at 5 so I am giving it time cause that is not enough for my gas. I have to think about that don't I . You all have a good day .
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