Has anyone done any shops/audits for Pinkerton Compliance Services? I receive occasional invites from them but when I go to their website to look at the available jobs, I don't find anything posted. I'm guessing that they are sending out general nationwide invitations without concern for a shopper/auditor's proximity to their clients' sites. It's my opinion that they are not technically sophisticated.
Yes, I have worked with them and yes, they recently posted work for May. They pay by adding money to a debit card they have issued to you. What was posted the other day was the "House Sitting" jobs and the website is counterintuitive as once you select that you need to go to "Claim Project" and adjust the date to May and then check your state. At first blush there never look like there are any jobs available.
I have never been able to find anything. I actually had probems logging in seveal times. When I do receive an email, its usually too far from where I live.
Make certain you are using Internet Explorer, not Firefox, to view the website. Kittybratt, I can see 10 locations for housesitting in your state, though they may not be close enough to you or in areas where you would be willing to house sit.
I just got that email, but never find anything remotley close to me...I don't like their web site and want to do the open house's, but, not going to Palm Springs for the day.
The default page for May shows shops everywhere. If you see those and there is still nothing for your state, then there is nothing. If you see no shops at all on the May default page you have not arrived at the 'meat' of the job board. Indeed, AustinMom, there is nothing this month for Texas either.