aprilshowers96 Wrote:
> I had completed a Job doing the carpet cleaning
> job for $120.00. on 03/05/11 in colorado, and I
> received good ratings from the company that I did
> a good job. The problem that I am seeing is this:
> I will not get paid until 06/31. Thats just crazy.
> Why are they paying so late. This is the first
> time that I have done a job that took this long to
> get paid. I thinks something is up. I know that
> they got their money up front. So why are they not
> paying quicker.
> I have tried to contact them twice in the last few
> weeks and I haven't received a response back from
> them yet. I am a little frustrated. I think that
> they are going out of business. And they are just
> waiting for bankrupy papers to come in, and thats
> why they don't want to pay anyone. If they treat
> their shoppers this way. What kind of service are
> they giving to their customers???
> does anyone having the same issue, I am having?
> very frustrating. I will not do another job for
> them.
Hi, aprilshowers, have you read the other comments on this thread? Do a search for Franchise Compliance for all dates and read what current comments have been posted on other threads about them. I did the carpet cleaning shop a couple of years ago and I was paid timely but since then they have developed issues with payment. I would not take that shop again unless I start to hear much more positive things about their payment. Several shoppers have reported here that not only were they paid several months late but they also had to take a very aggressive collection stance.