Cozmpanies without a job board

I signed up for A Closer Look and ServiceSense. I heard good things about them. I noticed that they don't have a job board. They emailed me back after I submitted my application saying they will contact me if they have any openings in shops.

Is this normal?


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A Closer Look does indeed have a job board. Once you log in you go to "Events". As for ServiceSense, I am not even signed up with them so have no idea.
I can't speak for ServiceSense, but ACL does have a job board.

My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me.
Benjamin Disraeli
I have worked for Service Sense for years, top A company, and they email you. I do one restaurant for them, both in my town. You do not get bombarded with senseless emails, you hear from them when they have something in your area..I really like them, and they pay come quickly, no nonsense MSC.

A Closer Look does indeed have a job board, if you don't see anything, the jobs are gone, they put on jobs around the 20th of the month, just signed for one.

Live consciously....
I can't explain the logistics, but there seem to be two sign-up links for ACL. I received the same email when I signed up ages ago, but could never access the job board. I got in touch with them about 6 months later, and they said they had no record of me being a shopper. Shortly after that, I received a shop notification through KSS, and the link was completely different than the one I had originally accessed. I did not get the shop for which I applied, but after I RE-applied using the KSS link, I was able to see the board.
This is weird. I just received an email from A Closer Look saying there are no shops in my area and will be contacted by email when there are.

I went on the website and put in my username and login, the one I thought I put on my application. It said I was an invalid user. I contacted the person they provided a link for and said I couldn't sign on.

Can someone send me the correct link for ACL. Someone said that there are two sign-up links for them.
Now that I remember, I emailed ACL asking them where I can sign up to become a shopper. There was one website I went to but I couldn't find a link to sign up. They wrote me back giving me this web site to sign up on. So I signed up from this website. Is it the right one:

Oh, my goodness, I read, "A Closer Look", but "Tell Us About Us" somehow registered in my brain. I'm sorry! It's been that kind of week! Yes, that's the link I signed up with as well.

I don't know how long it took for me to be accepted, but I did receive a welcome email with assigned login information. As for your password and user name, they generate one themselves, but you can change it. Try a "forgot login" and see what happens.
Thanks for all the replies. I'm currently emailing someone about this and she's written back. She said that she has received my application but hasn't been approved. I don't know if she meant I was denied or it hasn't been approved yet.
Lizdreamz Wrote:
> Thanks for all the replies. I'm currently emailing
> someone about this and she's written back. She
> said that she has received my application but
> hasn't been approved. I don't know if she meant I
> was denied or it hasn't been approved yet.

No doubt means hasn't been approved yet.
Another one that doesn't have a job board up and running is Service Savy. When you click on the job board it says company does not have board operating they will contact you if they have a shop in your area.
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