Has anyone heard of Sights On Service, Inc.

I just got a check in the mail from this company, but I cvan';t figure out what compnay this is for. Please help if possible.

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You probably know them as Secret Shopper, [www.secretshopper.com]
The two unrelated names was confusing to me the first couple of times I worked for them.
A check for a shop?? I hope it was payment, and not a check to do a shop, as in a scam!

I don't shop for them a lot, but this was the first company I worked for.
Thanks! I earlier posted asked who was sending me checks. I would have never put the two together.
SOmething funny just crossed my ming...they take the secret shopping so seriously, that you don't even know it's them paying you! Now that is pretty secretive! (A great company to work for...Shhhhhh)
When I started working for them last year, it took me a while to figure out, who the check was from.
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