After submmited Assg, When can get pay from Bare?

I am the new shopper from Bare, not sure need to wait how long to get paid.
Thank you so much for reply.

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If you finish a shop and it gets graded, you will get paid by the 22nd of the following month. And they ALWAYS pay me on time. They also send me an email a couple of days in advance of payment telling what the are paying and for which jobs! I usually get paid earlier than the 22nd but I think that is what their guidelines are.

Today I Will Choose Joy!

"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!
They usually pay direct deposit between the 12th and the 22nd of the month for shops done the previous month. They send you an e-mail to let you know payment is being made and they list the shops for which you are being paid. This month's payment seems to be late. I have not received notice of it yet and we are past the 22nd. This is not a company that I have ever had payment difficulties with, and I have not contacted them. I'm not worried.
I've never received a direct deposit from them. I still get checks. I gave them my bank info at least a year ago, but I still get checks.
AustinMom, maybe they have a payment cycle instead of paying all shoppers at once, but I received direct deposit for all my March shops on the 16th.
I'm sure they do. I usually get my e-mail on the 14th and deposit is made about the 16th. If I haven't heard by the middle of next week, I'll e-mail them.
With a number of companies payments around any holiday tend to get squirrelly. Keep in mind there are likely to be employees out to be with kids on Spring Break from school, folks taking their vacation time to go to families, etc. Not making excuses but expressing a little reality. Here we have those traditional "Signs of Spring" with 'the kids' driving down with a little U Haul to take Mom & Dad back home in the North for the summer, the lines at the RV storage places of folks parking their RVs for the summer to fly home for Easter, the RVs with a vehicle hooked on behind headed up the Interstate for home, etc. etc. This week we should get our roads back as the 'snowbirds' will have all departed.
I get paid both by check and direct deposit. Maybe it depends on the client. I always get paid. Payment is on or about the 16th. I have had a few discrepancies in payment, which were resolved after being brought to their attention.
I didn't have much from Bare last month but I did get paid last week by direct deposit for a zoo shop I did. Next month I'll have a bunch because of bonused shipping shops....Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Today I Will Choose Joy!

"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!
Did anyone get paid yet for May shops? I am still waiting for my payment; in the past I've received a direct deposit on the 15th. Thanks!
I got paid direct deposit for a shop done in March that was not reviewed until late April so I suspect it was counted as an April shop. I am assuming you are talking about April shops paid in mid-May rather than payment for shops done this month.
I don't think so. When you go to your profile there is an "Additional Information" section where it is sort of demanded you put in your direct deposit information with the statement that they will only send you one paper check. I don't remember filling it out so it probably goes back at least a few years.
I did my first shop for them last month. It was for a Gold's Gym. Just received an E Mail from them earlier this week that they are sending me a check. I should get it early nest week. This seems to be what other shoppers are experiencing.
I was notified on the 17th that I have a check coming. They are so regular, something I really appreciate.
Please remove the name of the client from your post. Stating the client along with the name of the MS company is a violation of your ICA.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
I also do shops for Bare, I've done quite a few Banks for them. They pay well, payroll is every 2 weeks. If you need more information call your Bare Scheduler, having a good relationship with your scheduler is a Big Plus.

Good Luck and Have Fun!
There are many people on this site who shop for Bare regularly, and if you're receiving payment every two weeks, I can assure you that you're an exception. Most of us are paid exactly according to the guidelines stated above.
I just started with Bare and just received notification to expect payment in a couple days via direct deposit. I am getting paid for shops I did 5/12/11, 5/16/11, and 5/26/11. It came in my spam folder.
I always get paid on time and have direct depoait. They do let you know ahead of time that it is coming. It would be nice if all of the ones I work for did the same. smiling smiley
My experiences are that Bare is as top notch a company as there is. If you do a shop in July, you will be paid in August. If you haven't been paid by them by the end of the month following the shop, something is wrong. Check SASSIE to see the status of the shop, and send an email to the contact person.
I love Bare. There schedulers have always been good to me and they pay like clockwork.
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