non secure webistes

Quest for Best, DSG, B Business Solutions, A Closer Look are all nonsecure websites. For people that have signed up with these companies, what made you feel comfortable in doing this knowing they were nonsecure? A Closer Look and DSG doesn't ask for your SSN but needs your address and phone number.


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It is the SSN that has me check to see if the website is secure. There are a couple of companies I have signed up with and picked up the phone to call and provide an SSN, indicating I was uncomfortable putting it on an unsecure site. Several of these have subsequently gotten secure sites, so I suspect they are aware of shopper hesitation. Only one acted as though I was nuts, proclaiming they had "Never heard of anyone having trouble." I just commented that perhaps those who cared to avoid problems had just not followed through to sign up with them. That possibility caught the gal absolutely flat footed because she apparently had never considered that possibility.
So you wouldn't hesitate, I'm guessing, to put in your address and phone number on an nonsecure site? Just SSN?

My name, address and other information can be found readily enough in a phone book or in wonderful sites like the Property Appraiser's website. Public records make available a whole lot more information about me than I am pleased with, but at least several changes in the past decade or so have removed access to my SSN from easy viewing on public records.

The major reason for concern, of course, is the potential for identity theft, and you need to have the SSN to start that process.
Well, I guess I was not careful because my social security is all over the place. I did not think to check if a site was secure. Perhaps the business number might be better after all.
Except that some sites will not accept a business number, only a SSN. You can't win for losing sometimes :-)
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