aadshort Wrote:
> Just thought I'd share my most recent experience
> with EPMS. They do apartment mystery shops and
> when you can get one where you do a random leasing
> agent, the job isn't bad. If you have to shop a
> specific person, that's when it starts getting
> time consuming and frustrating.
> I hadn't done anything for EPMS in awhile but got
> lured in by bonus pay. I was supposed to shop
> "Patti" and on my 2nd attempt to call, I got
> "Patricia" so I completed the call. At the end of
> the call I told her I would see her tomorrow and
> that's when she told me she was actually at a call
> center and not the leasing office. I should
> mention both times I called, I could hear a lot of
> call center type noise in the background which I
> thought was weird. Nowhere in the shopper
> instructions did I see any warning that this might
> happen otherwise I wouldn't have even bothered
> taking this shop. Anyway, I emailed the scheduler
> to let her know that these guys don't even answer
> their own phones, they send them to a call center.
> That makes it impossible to actually do this shop
> correctly since obviously you'll never actually
> speak to the target agent and you can't be sure
> you'll even get them when you show up at the
> location. In response the shop was cancelled and
> I was told that they sometimes send their phone to
> a call center around lunch. Both calls I placed
> were well before lunch so just beware that they
> don't even warn you calls can get routed to a call
> center and you could spend your day calling trying
> to get through to the actual office but end up
> talking to a call center.
Hmmm... I just had to shop a "Patti"... I'm wondering if you're in my area? I got her, no problem, but now my shop has been rejected, and I'm not quite sure why? I actually thought it went well, but who knows. I've asked for feedback so that hopefully I'll do better next time around. This shop had a nice bonus which makes it all the more depressing that it was rejected, not to mention all the work that goes into the report. Here's to hoping for better luck next time!