CFA Deactivation

I have been mostly working with CFA over the past 4 months and after completing 200+ assignments I just got deactivated without a call, cause or any explanation . . . worst thing was that I was in the field and had just wrapped up 38.5 hours of work over three and a half days . . . no one is returning my calls or emails and the one scheduler only advised me to fax in my reports for those 13 jobs. Of course I said I couldn't as we are talking in excess of 60 pages and as i doubt they would pay me . . .

Anyone else had a problem like this?

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Yes, the Purple Portal does that to shoppers quite frequently. I sure as heck would NOT provide them with the reports because from what others have said, you will not be paid for any outstanding work--even that which has been accepted. Use reporting as a negotiating tool for reactivation in good standing if you want to continue working for them.
Thanks Flash . . .

Odd thing is that the account manager that supposedly performed the deactivation is the same one that sent me an email just a few day prior thanking me for my efforts.

I figured the same regarding using the reports as some leverage, I even went ahead and completed the jobs I had already accepted as no one ever stated that I was to stop and as I believe would support any future claims regarding a valid contract between CFA and myself . . . if things are not resolved as I want . . . of course, I could as well go above CFA to the company that is paying them for the jobs they were in fact contracted to perform, perhaps even the company that is paying for the work in question . . . I've seen and learned enough in these four months to adversely affect a contract or two!

Of course, I'd be content just doing my work while being treated respectfully . . .
Why did you wait so long to send in the reports? I no longer work for Certified but standard industry practice is to send in reports by Midnight on the same day.
I don't know what's going on with them, but my payment is late from them,too. They have been paying me for months, regular as clockwork every 13 to 14 days. last time I was paid was 4/4. No one answered the phone there today, either.

~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~* Shoppin' Mama of 4 lovely & unique girls and Nana to Bella, Delilah and Lincoln, shopping in Oregon and parts of Washington
I honestly wonder how they have any shoppers ... or any clients for that matter? Anyone know how many people they employ? I just can't help but wonder how they stay in business and can actually keep on the amount of people they have.
Yeah, they deactivated me on Friday. But I know why.

I was assigned to do two different first showing trailer checks.

I do not know if it is obvious to tell a 3D vs 2D vs a no digital movie from each other. Well I was not seeing different in the trailers.

I had to call the report in.

The scheduler asked how did I know the trailer was in one of those forms. I explained I didn't, I just assume b/c of the theatre it was showing in, the trailer would be the same as the featured movie. He said that he could not accept my report, AND I would have to return to the theatre and asked the manager, what format the trailers were in.

I politely said to him, "I just spent 4 hours in that theatre and I was not going back to do anything. I never had to do that b4. AND for $7 he could go do the trailer check himself." upon which I slammed down the phone.

Probably 45 second later or earlier, I was DEAc'ted.

Oh how I loved doing TCs. Plus the bonus was going to the movies, otherwise I wouldn't.

I do believe I have one assignment unpaid. B/c they were kind of quick with payment.

I wonder if I wait a few weeks could I be reinstated?
Let me think, Sojo, you hung up on a scheduler in anger and expect to be reinstated?

Don't hold your breath or you will turn very blue.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/21/2011 02:53PM by ShopUntilYouDrop.
I wasn't angry. I just wasn't redoing a shop for $7.

At least I know why I was Deac'ted. Some shoppers on this forum claim they don't know why.
@ mystikwizard - I was intending on reporting all at once, after being out running around for over twelve hours, in hot weather (with a broken car a/c) I was just too damn exhausted to sit at the computer for a couple of hours . . . plus, I wanted to grab up more of the same job assignments that weren't getting picked up after submitting enough of my reports at once that I could get them . . . I thought I had the okay in turning in the reports together, but apparently there was a misunderstanding on my part as that is why I am now being told that I was deactivated.
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