Places they can't pay me to go to

@Rousseau wrote:

The better vices are more books than one can read in a lifetime and chocolate.
@Rousseau wrote:

In your opinion.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2021 10:51PM by Book.

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Untrue. People have gotten covid after having been vaccinated, and others have had covid multiple times. I am aware of national trials taking place on the effectiveness of vitamin D3 against covid. A friend is participating in this.
A clerk ringing up purchases at a mini mart is hardly an expert on pandemics, viruses, herd immunity, etc. and needs to be ignored.
Those cities you site are not run by progressives. In addition, cities with large populations tend to have large city problems which include density, poverty, gentrification, etc. One such state I will not mention is run by one party and they have regular mass shootings by angry men with military style weapons.
@SS4U wrote:

Those cities you site are not run by progressives. In addition, cities with large populations tend to have large city problems which include density, poverty, gentrification, etc. One such state I will not mention is run by one party and they have regular mass shootings by angry men with military style weapons.

Which cities cited as being high crime are not Democrat-run? The only cities I see named are "cmon...politics is great...everyone is right! Take a look at Detroit, Chicago, LA, NYC...all low crime rates! LOL" All 4 of these are progressive-run cities with high crime rates. There are other cities I can think of that are located in red (Republican) states but the cities themselves are run by Democrats. The Democrat-run cities tend to have high crime rates. This may be due to local politics and it may be due to high density occupancy.
Anthropology/AM Nading/2020 Annual Review:

Medicine/Dr. Thaddeus Gaia:

Academia/SAGE publishing:

Seeming to align with your upbeat spirit/Huff Post Living:

@maverick1 wrote:

I never viewed the world as "toxic", but as a wonderful place to explore and learn....

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
The assertion that large cities have high crime rates is just plain wrong. Do they have many incidents of crime, yes. That's because the population is high. But the actual crime rates are often quite low.
@Rousseau wrote:

The assertion that large cities have high crime rates is just plain wrong. Do they have many incidents of crime, yes. That's because the population is high. But the actual crime rates are often quite low.
Don't bother with your facts. the feckless moderators here (does this site even HAVE moderators?) are content to let this forum turn into a political free-for-all, JUST DON'T LINK CLIENT TO MSC lol. One-trick, not very bright, incompetent ponies. I'm out.
Note the use of the term RATES: Yep, Progressives hate facts... "Currently, results from the UCR and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) indicate that cities with a larger population generally have higher crime rates than suburban or rural cities." []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/30/2021 12:24PM by maverick1.
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