Places they can't pay me to go to

Recently got a notice for an oil change shop for a place. Saw where it was and you can't pay me to go there.
Anyone else have this experience?

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Just about to any of the locations that trendsource can't seem to fill this week that are hours away from my home for $17 :-)
Any city run by Progressives. It's a fact they don't care about riots, crime, or upholding the law. Why should I put my life or vehicle at risk?
I agree with the Trend Source locations. There are spots in the app that I would sign up for, but not the ones they email for to fill.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
@HonnyBrown wrote:

I agree with the Trend Source locations. There are spots in the app that I would sign up for, but not the ones they email for to fill.

I don't think the schedulers even look at a map. I'm in Georgia and I'm frequently sent stuff that's at least 2 to 3 hours away. I told one of the schedulers yesterday that I couldn't even make her an offer because it wouldn't be reasonable since it's over a 5-hour commute.
I tell them occasionally that the shop is 2 or 3 or 5 hours away and that the offer from me would be huge. They implore me to make a request. It is a waste of my time, but sometimes I do anyway. I think that they use it to show that they are trying and to justify giving someone else more money than the boss thinks is alright. Maybe they say, look XYZ is only asking for $50, and the next best offer was from Myst4au and it was for $250.
@foodluvr wrote:

@HonnyBrown wrote:

I agree with the Trend Source locations. There are spots in the app that I would sign up for, but not the ones they email for to fill.

I don't think the schedulers even look at a map. I'm in Georgia and I'm frequently sent stuff that's at least 2 to 3 hours away. I told one of the schedulers yesterday that I couldn't even make her an offer because it wouldn't be reasonable since it's over a 5-hour commute.

Shopping Southeast Pennsylvania, Delaware above the canal, and South Jersey since 2008
Hmm, this is not the place for such lunacy. This is about shopping, not politics.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/24/2021 08:50PM by Burrowsl2l.
Agreed. I rather doubt Maverick is really investigating the political leanings of municipal leadership every time they decide whether or not to apply for a shop. Isn’t the point of the General Chat area that it house such discussions so they can stay out of the shop-related threads?
I thought this thread was about retail locations but I guess it is about geographical locations. So I was all ready to mention a place I keep getting emails about that is a mall pizza store that requires some up close photos. I did it once many years ago and the mall pizza place threatened to call the cops on me. No way will I go back and do that shop even if the fee is above $7.
@sandyf I think I know which one you mean. You can't get photos without all of the employees being right there!

@NinS: Um, I'm not "investigating...leanings", I know where I stand when I enter certain areas. I know which shopped areas are tough on crime and prosecute criminals and which areas have a significantly statistically higher chance of automobile accidents / criminal activity and are more laissez-faire on prosecution. For example, I've had MarketForce (US rep.) call me about an available grocery shop repeatedly. They offered a premium fee, I still declined. They asked why and inquired if it's the location. I replied, "yes" I wouldn't feel safe there. It's not a political statement. It's a statistical fact. (...and now the area has a higher number of COVID-19 confirmed cases according to the state dashboard too.)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/25/2021 05:32AM by maverick1.
For many years I have made a good living going to places that others seem to think are not safe. The difference is that I have lived and observed long enough to know that most of those places are quite safe, especially in daylight, for this "little old lady." It is my two African-American godsons who are not safe there, regardless of the time of day.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
progressives run my municipality and they're doing a terrific job ! likewise my friends in other states and cities. the governments run by the regressives seem to have the most crime and problems.
cmon...politics is great...everyone is right! Take a look at Detroit, Chicago, LA, NYC...all low crime rates! LOL

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/25/2021 03:29PM by salisburync.
A while back I did a gas station shop for what is now one of the IPSOS companies, where the station was next to a freeway, seemed reasonably safe, except when I arrived the hair stood out on the back of my neck (flight response) and well, it was okay except for the methhead that tried to rob me....turns out that area is a VICIOUS part of town....But hey, I got the $15 bonus, right?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/25/2021 03:33PM by salisburync.
@SS4U wrote:
crime has no address.

Contact your local law enforcement agency. They track it by zip code.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/2021 08:14PM by maverick1.
one of my Krogers I don't want to do anymore. Every time I do it they argue about every produce downmark. They sent me a response back asking me to explain "how' I deduced that the salad was brown and the tomatoes blemished etc. I was like "really" no one would mark off for just one. IF I have to search for a decent salad or decent tomato, or a decent avocado then you need to reevaluate what you are stocking. I would rather buy a hard unripe avocado than one that is too soft! duh! and the bananas green I get but I don't want bruised or blemished and if most of them on the table are bruised and I have to search for 4 decent bananas then you need to work on your product, not my ms!
Any shop in any grocery store. Nope. Not even the bank-in-grocery shops.

Any shop in any casino, pawn shop, tobacco shop, drug shop, or sex shop. Nope. The better vices are more books than one can read in a lifetime and chocolate.

Any shop in any place which either has anti-masking, anti-vaxxing, anti-truth, or pro-trump or Q signage. Nope. Never. Run fast. Very, very fast.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2021 05:15AM by Rousseau.
@Rousseau wrote:

. The better vices are more books than one can read in a lifetime and chocolate.

Any shop in any place which either has anti-masking, anti-vaxxing, anti-truth, or pro-trump or Q signage. Nope. Never. Run fast. Very, very fast.
My husband went into a Circle K to get a cup of coffee one day in Perry, Ga. (Not a mystery shop-so yes I'm selling them out!) The girl was in there bragging about how COVID was all a scam and she wasn't masking or vaxxing and she got COVID and it was nothing. Blah blah blah. My husband came out talking smack, saying let me hurry up and get out of this store and away from this deadly broad! Where's the sanitizer???
@F and L TeleComm wrote:

@Rousseau wrote:

. The better vices are more books than one can read in a lifetime and chocolate.

Any shop in any place which either has anti-masking, anti-vaxxing, anti-truth, or pro-trump or Q signage. Nope. Never. Run fast. Very, very fast.
My husband went into a Circle K to get a cup of coffee one day in Perry, Ga. (Not a mystery shop-so yes I'm selling them out!) The girl was in there bragging about how COVID was all a scam and she wasn't masking or vaxxing and she got COVID and it was nothing. Blah blah blah. My husband came out talking smack, saying let me hurry up and get out of this store and away from this deadly broad! Where's the sanitizer???

The fact that she got COVID made me the most comfortable about everything you listed. It means she's equivalent to being vaccinated. Makes me feel better as I read the headlines about Biden finally concurring with the last President about requesting a report that the virus came from a LAB. smiling smiley
With or without covid, the world is toxic. Just sayin'.

Meanwhile, I appreciate it when the invites include something like, 'if you or someone you know will be traveling...'. These messages acknowledge that some people might be willing and able to work far from home. This wee phrase implies that schedulers are aware of distances between places.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
So true about road warriors being very interested in shops a long way from home.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Yes!!! I one thousand percent agree

@Rousseau wrote:

The better vices .... chocolate.

I never viewed the world as "toxic", but as a wonderful place to explore and learn. There are some "toxic people" with a variety of issues I've come across over the years. But the world requires you to have a sense of risk management. Whether that's performing mystery shops, or during my career when I traveled monthly to Europe on and off for years. If I had to do it continuously, it would become monotonous drudgery even with the business class seating and supplier compensated food and drink. But I am enriched with experiences in Norway, U.K., Germany, and Italy. I got to see underground silver mines converted to lavish conference rooms in Norway, the broads near Norwich, England during my first trip on a plane in my early 20's, Bavarian culture in Germany, and a sample of life in Italy. I'm looking for the pandemic to rapidly improve so that I may travel back to these places as an early retiree with my spouse. Yep, the world is a wonderful place indeed!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2021 08:36PM by maverick1.
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