Does anyone do work for Feedback Plus

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I do the bus station shops for them. They pay quickly and the fee for this shop is pretty good.

Steve... smiling smiley
Fresno, CA - and shopping all over the middle part of the state!
I loved those credit shops at tire stores. I did five this time and made $70 and wasn't in a store 10 minutes. My kind of shop! Five minute reports with nothing to upload!

Today I Will Choose Joy!

"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!
I do the travel depot shops. I like them. Quick easy pay turn around. I wish they had those tire shops here. I can't get myself to purchase a pair of shades for my eyes, either.
Oh, yeah, I did five or six of the credit shops last week... that was fun, easy money! I enjoyed pretending like I was going to buy a couple of the items... made it more fun for me.

Steve... smiling smiley
Fresno, CA - and shopping all over the middle part of the state!
Did anyone else recieve an e-mail from them stating that they were adding 4 questions to the credit shop reports?
PageJ28 Wrote:
> Did anyone else recieve an e-mail from them
> stating that they were adding 4 questions to the
> credit shop reports?

Yes, and I just got the shops sent back to me. There were four "customer service" questions that were on a couple of the shops I did, but were not on others. They just want to know if the store and shopped area were clean, if you were approached and offered assistance or had to ask, and if you received friendly service. Takes a whole minute to do each.

Steve... smiling smiley
Fresno, CA - and shopping all over the middle part of the state!
I got all five of mine back and I was done with them in 3 minutes. No biggie. I'd already been paid for 3 of them. lol

Today I Will Choose Joy!

"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!
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