3offthecharts Wrote:
> Flash Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I hear your frustration. I have gone through
> > several phases of feeling like the stepchild.
> In
> > talking, on one such occasion, with my
> scheduler,
> > whom I respect greatly, she apologized that she
> > could not in good faith assign me the locations
> > because although I did sort of meet the
> rotation
> > requirements she had an opportunity to have the
> > locations observed with fresher eyes. She then
> > gave me other work for the month and offered me
> > more distant locations that had not yet been
> > assigned, with mileage. I will not be going on
> > their 'removed shopper' list for a long time if
> I
> > can help it.
> I agree with you to a point, Flash-but assigning 7
> of 8 locations to a single shopper is greedy
> requesting on the shopper's part, plus the
> scheduler is going to run the risk of messed up
> reports if they all 7 have to be done in less than
> 7 days time frame. These aren't Golden Arches
> shops, depending on the client.
> Scheduler has to know those are highly coveted
> because of the pay (currently $40 here on 2 rep
> and $20 on one rep, plus mileage-I've made $75 and
> $50 in the past). If she runs off the few who are
> willing in hard-to-fill areas, what then?
> I have to say that I find the group e-mails with
> names attached disconcerting. I've gotten them. I
> don't particularly want my real name floating out
> there to other shoppers in my area, etc.
I have no idea what shops you are talking about, but "greedy requesting"?? Because someone wants work and applies themself?
As far as I am concerned, I apply for any shops I am able and willing to do. If the schedulers want to dole them out to make it more "fair" or whatever, great, but the notion of leaving shops just in case someone else might want them is kind of absurd.
As for the OP, how do you know that the person assigned the 7 shops didn't request them before you and/or have an even better record than you with the MSC? Or maybe they have helped the scheduler out with some shops in the past, so they let them have them all? I don't understand the outrage. The MSC sai there was another shop, but you went ahead and quit. Maybe the scheduler made a mistake and there really wasn't another shop, but maybe there was something that came up after the list was sent.