Market Force

Anybody having problems accessing Market Force today? I have a report to file and cannot access their site. It's just a plain white page. I can access my other MSC sites just not Market Force. I'm wondering if it's all around or just this end of things (Canada/Ontario)

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Yeah it's the blue I was trying to get access too. I'm away from home and using a Rocket Stick (a little less power.) That might be the issue, thanks for replying.
Turns out it was my internet connection; thanks for getting back to me guys (and gals too.) I've been out of the house today doing shops and took my Rocket Stick (wireless internet through Rogers, otherwise when I'm home I use cable internet through Cogeco.) However for what ever reason I was unable to connect with Market Force, the screen was blank. My laptop would say it was done but the main page was never pulled up. I tried a couple times too. But now that I'm back home and back on the cable internet I can access the home page no problem.
I have tried today and nothing shows up on the menu and my wife has the same issue. No link to search for jobs or anything.
I had an issue getting to the site about 12:30PM EDT but it was cleared up and flying by about 1:15PM. I was getting SQL errors so it was them, not me.
norcalcop Wrote:
> I have tried today and nothing shows up on the
> menu and my wife has the same issue. No link to
> search for jobs or anything.

Does the rest of the site function? If it is just the link that is missing, they may have removed you from being able to take new assignments.
I had issues this morning too, I just didn't have time to deal with them. I was able to file the report however one it came to downloading the CPI the screne went blank (pure white.) I ended up E-Mailing the CPI to explaining the issues along with the job ID.
norcalcop Wrote:
> I have tried today and nothing shows up on the
> menu and my wife has the same issue. No link to
> search for jobs or anything.

sounds like you are deactivated. they don't have the courage to tell you that you've been removed.
Send an email to the Help Desk explaining the problem. It is likely a glitch or a minor thing.
Anyone have any luck being reinstated with Marketforce? It looks like they have deactivated me, although my login still works I no longer have the Web shops link on my page. I have shopped for them for over a year now. Last month I forgot to send in the CPI and had to cancel a shop due to illness. Do they reconsider?

Also, with TUAU being bought by does that work if I am a shopper with TUAU? Will I be accepted into MF database or do they keep you out still?
Just did report yesterday, no problem...first for them in awhile and forgot how long those reports are.....

Live consciously....
The grocery store shops in the Mid-Atlantic region have reappeared after being missing for 3 months.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Irene_L.A. Wrote:
> I just submitted report with no problem, but see
> no jobs.

Yikes, Irene. You think you got deactivated?
I wouldn't bet on it. Earlier today I noted no shops on the default 'Select Shops' page but the advanced search showed shops in my area. When I changed the distance it did something odd and showed fewer jobs with a larger radius. Tried again and it worked more appropriately. Suspect the system is just being flakier than usual.
I think the way you can tell if it's just the system or if you've been deactivated is if the link to view shops is present.

I got the cut over the weekend and I no longer have the link to view shops. In the past when it has been glitchy, the link was still there.
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