I Heart Reasearch Services Group

I just did my first bank platform shop with them. Not only do they pay the same as other MSC's that have had this bank, they don't ask for ridiculous and redundant narratives on yes/no questions(> Did the banker verify your contact information? >No >Please explain in a narrative >The banker did not verify my contact information).

Not only that, but I did the shop on Saturday and got paid today.

They must be new.

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Good to know they pay fast, but FYI, they have recently been offering a banking shop on behalf of another company, for 50% of the fee.
The fee for their banking shops in my area is the same as every other MSP (except for Maritz, of course) - $15
Just want to reiterate that if you find that the link in any shop instructions takes you to a site that does not look like RSG, it very well might not be. It's nice of them to help out other companies in filling shops, but not at 50% of the original fee. I don't know if this is a common occurrence or a one-time thing, but just be careful.

The website is www.researchservicesgroup.com
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