Mystery Guest Inc

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I , a relative and a good friend have done mystery shops for Grass Roots. I and the others have been barred for some unknown reason. The excuse I was given was the customer followed me on camera and figured who i was, which I doubt. My real belief is that if you should submit a less than glowing report, they want to sanitize it, make it appear all is hunky dorry and then block you from future shops they have. Elimination of shoppers that actually say something negative about one of their customers is not what they want.
Not a professional way to do business and I intend to notify one of their customers Presidents how they operate.They service Giant eagle here in Ohio, I have a grocery background, cover Kroger and Meijer, Office Max and others on shops yet I get those assignmemnts and GRMS blocks me when something comes up. I generall get a confirmation phone call because they claim I didnt do one right, but I only get phone calls from these guys, not the other companies I do shops for. So its a problem with them, not all of us shoppers.
Nope, I get in just fine.

I've left negative feedback on the pharmacy shops before (not wearing nametag, didn't refer me to pharmacist, didn't show me to the product I inquired about, etc) and they call me all the time asking me to do more. Not sure what sspnelson's problem is.
sspnelson is talking about Grass Roots while this thread is about Mystery Guest. Since this is only his 2nd post it sounds like someone who just wants to trash Grass Roots. I am always suspect of someone whose only post is to trash an MSC.
computer_man Wrote:
> sspnelson is talking about Grass Roots while this
> thread is about Mystery Guest. Since this is only
> his 2nd post it sounds like someone who just wants
> to trash Grass Roots. I am always suspect of
> someone whose only post is to trash an MSC.

Don't you hate it when someone comes in and starts to post I-hate-this-MSP inappropriately on all other posts, regardless of which MSP we are talking about? Negative posts from new posters are not something I pay much attention to; if someone has not posted anything before, we have no way of determining credibility, they have no track record.

Back to Mystery Guest: they have a few interesting shops I do. They are not the fastest payers and that has been a problem but they do pay. They are faster when they are paying with a gift card. I do not like working for gift cards - I want to be reimbursed for what I spend - but they have one restaurant my son loves so I do work for the gift card on that one. Reports are not difficult, I have never heard anything back from them on a report, no requests for clarifications, etc.
Mystery Guest Inc., and Grass Roots merged about a month I do think it's relevant to this thread.
skylit19 Wrote:
> Mystery Guest Inc., and Grass Roots merged about a
> month I do think it's relevant to this
> thread.

Good info to know. I still am unimpressed when a new person comes to the forum and immediately posts negatively about a particular company, especially if the poster posts the same negative info more than once .... and posts nothing else.
I agree there is an agenda there and I don't take him seriously (especially since I have done work for them and have always been paid on time even though I've written negative things in reports). I think we'd all be further ahead to just ignore him though since he obviously came here to post negatively about this company hoping for some type of attention to the matter.
My agenda was to see if there is an issue with Grass Roots and old Mystery Guest. I do shops for many other stores and I wonder if Grass is sanitizing the shops to make it appear all is rosy. I was also as well as friends were locked out of ALL shops from MysteryGuest not just Giant eagle. they conveniently say no shops are avilable within your range and to add more mileage, but I am fifty miles plus. So there appears to be a common thread, dont answer like they want to hear you get locked out.
As for those narrow minded to think I have an agenda, my background is retail l food stores and drug, I do Kroger , meijer,Hallmark,RiteAid, Staples, officeMax store shops as well as many restaurant shops with no problems an not being locked out. My point was to inform those who may not know what Mystery Guest is possibly doing. I did read some comments where people thought it was relavent and to those Thanks. If others are having ANY issues it should be addressed, as I did with a letter to GR and Giant Eagle execs, waiting for a reply. I want to be reinstated because I do know what to look for. I give a good shop with an unbiased opinion. Be open minded and further investigate and be an independednt thinker instead of agreeing to one who suggests and the rest of the lemmings follow.
I am having the same problem, but when I ask what's going on they do not respond to me. I seem to be locked out even after putting 50+ miles. I have done a lot of work for this company with the Giant Eagles and I can't seem to get an answer as to why they have me locked out.
sspnelson Wrote:
> My agenda was to see if there is an issue with
> Grass Roots and old Mystery Guest. I do shops for
> many other stores and I wonder if Grass is
> sanitizing the shops to make it appear all is
> rosy. I was also as well as friends were locked
> out of ALL shops from MysteryGuest not just Giant
> eagle. they conveniently say no shops are avilable
> within your range and to add more mileage, but I
> am fifty miles plus. So there appears to be a
> common thread, dont answer like they want to hear
> you get locked out.
> As for those narrow minded to think I have an
> agenda, my background is retail l food stores and
> drug, I do Kroger , meijer,Hallmark,RiteAid,
> Staples, officeMax store shops as well as many
> restaurant shops with no problems an not being
> locked out. My point was to inform those who may
> not know what Mystery Guest is possibly doing. I
> did read some comments where people thought it was
> relavent and to those Thanks. If others are having
> ANY issues it should be addressed, as I did with a
> letter to GR and Giant Eagle execs, waiting for a
> reply. I want to be reinstated because I do know
> what to look for. I give a good shop with an
> unbiased opinion. Be open minded and further
> investigate and be an independednt thinker instead
> of agreeing to one who suggests and the rest of
> the lemmings follow.
I did receive a reply from Giant eagle a few weeks ago , they told me that Mystery Guest let me go because i performed shops for other companies. seems odd doesnt it that one company would only want a one company shopper? As for Giant Eagle also I was told they may be reconsidering Mystery Guest as their shop company. Maybe someone did notice sanitized shops.Comments?
Do you do the shops on the blue portal (or is it purple?) that are GE? The ones that you are not a shopper but rather a merchandiser? That could possibly give you away. I can't believe they'd let you go just for being a multi-MSC shopper....but perhaps because you shop GE for multiple companies and are more likely to be spotted as the shopper.
Has GE indeed changed MSC? I was tol dthey may be, if so do you know who they went with. I did only shops with them, as did my friend. My son did on occasion a few and was not with anyone else. It was the ones they supposedly questioned that eventually we were blocked from having any shops within our range. And only after I contacted GE themselves did a reason given that I was blocked.
Yes, they merged recently, so thread is valued and relevant. I don't think you can login to Mystery Guest any longer, your transfered to GrassRoots.
skylit19 Wrote:
> Mystery Guest Inc., and Grass Roots merged about a
> month I do think it's relevant to this
> thread.

Live consciously....
Yes. They changed their name. Does anyone else have issues with receiving a VISA gift card instead of a check or direct deposit? They changed to giving out gift cards only recently and I think that is a policy that is not friendly to the shopper. Am I the only one?
I do only the grocery store/gas station shops which give gifts cards for the actual grocery store/gas station I am shopping....which is my normal grocery/gas place because of the rewards, so I am totally fine with it. Cuts down on my grocery or gas bill every once in a while.
I would not have the problem with the card itself. My problem would be holding on to it so next time they can put more money on and charge me to do it.

tongue sticking out smiley Wrote:
> Yes. They changed their name. Does anyone else
> have issues with receiving a VISA gift card
> instead of a check or direct deposit? They changed
> to giving out gift cards only recently and I think
> that is a policy that is not friendly to the ed
> shopper. Am I the only one?
pharmacy and pharmacy otc shops are very easy to do... got my first $15 gift card 2 weeks ago... covered my gas for a few days... did another pharmacy today and have the gas station tomorrow... very easy... and fair pay.. nothing spectacular... but worth it in my opinion... i have 2 locations within 5 miles from my home...

both were through grassroots...kind of a pain that they are just for friday and sat.. and you cant schedule more than one per day... even at a differnt location..

i must admit the grocery's look daunting... $25 card for recording 7 interactions? no thanks... plus if what the above is true... going to 7 different employees and asking 7 different questions you would have to be an idiot not to notice a ms...

they pay through company gift cards not visa... and they usually have deals that follow coupons on got an app that lets me see the deals in one place...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
I do the desert shops for grass roots on a regular basis and have had no problem with them so far. I love the desert restaurant shops and plan on doing one a month if available.
I received notice of a Giant Eagle shop in my area, but it was not from Mystery Guest/Grass Roots. Evidently the eagle has flown, or is at least doing a test flight.
that would not make me happy if it happened here... i specifically switched my pharmacy to them so i could get paid to pick up my meds... but if it does oh well... nothing i can do about it...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
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