I am having the same problem, but when I ask what's going on they do not respond to me. I seem to be locked out even after putting 50+ miles. I have done a lot of work for this company with the Giant Eagles and I can't seem to get an answer as to why they have me locked out.
sspnelson Wrote:
> My agenda was to see if there is an issue with
> Grass Roots and old Mystery Guest. I do shops for
> many other stores and I wonder if Grass is
> sanitizing the shops to make it appear all is
> rosy. I was also as well as friends were locked
> out of ALL shops from MysteryGuest not just Giant
> eagle. they conveniently say no shops are avilable
> within your range and to add more mileage, but I
> am fifty miles plus. So there appears to be a
> common thread, dont answer like they want to hear
> you get locked out.
> As for those narrow minded to think I have an
> agenda, my background is retail l food stores and
> drug, I do Kroger , meijer,Hallmark,RiteAid,
> Staples, officeMax store shops as well as many
> restaurant shops with no problems an not being
> locked out. My point was to inform those who may
> not know what Mystery Guest is possibly doing. I
> did read some comments where people thought it was
> relavent and to those Thanks. If others are having
> ANY issues it should be addressed, as I did with a
> letter to GR and Giant Eagle execs, waiting for a
> reply. I want to be reinstated because I do know
> what to look for. I give a good shop with an
> unbiased opinion. Be open minded and further
> investigate and be an independednt thinker instead
> of agreeing to one who suggests and the rest of
> the lemmings follow.