Shopping Spys, Inc.

I signed up with the company a few days ago. They had a nice looking website, but I am suspicious. They called me, left a message on my machine to call them back. They said they had shopping jobs in my area. I called back today and spoke with a woman who said her name was Janice Hopkins. She said that this was casual employment which would earn about 200 to 300 dollars per week which sounded reasonable, but when she said I had to have a checking account my scam radar went up. She said they would be sending me a check for $250 to $300 for the week and that I was to call her when the check arrived. I did give her my name and address because I want to see what will happen.

I feel that I must issue a warning especially because this company did not contact me via email. They did not use email at all. They have a website and they called me.

Then I noticed that they call themselves []. Why is it these scammers can never spell. I always thought the correct spelling was “spies.”

"Evolve thyself and lose all hate...." Orphaned Land

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I don't think that spelling is a scam.

There are two MS compnayies have different way they spell shopper in their dot com. one is and the other is Two different compamnys.

This company didn't use the plural of spies as Ur eye opener means that strook U as odd. HOW ABOUT ASKING YOU FOR CA INFO OR THEM SENDING YOU A CHECK FOR $400 FOR NOT DOING ANYTHING BUT ANSWERING YOUR PHONE.

Did you google the company?

Well, U gave her enuff info so the next time Ur out of the house............Click.
The link you gave is now unavailable, so definitley a scam to me.......

Live consciously....
I can't say for Irene, but I doubt I would ever shop a company with a name like that and I certainly wouldn't have my CPA laughing at me for hiring a company with a name like that. Maybe the name is wrong?
It's like I said richraynor. The name is spelled wrong.

"Evolve thyself and lose all hate...." Orphaned Land
alannajm Wrote:
> I signed up with the company a few days ago. They
> had a nice looking website, but I am suspicious.
> They called me, left a message on my machine to
> call them back. They said they had shopping jobs
> in my area. I called back today and spoke with a
> woman who said her name was Janice Hopkins. She
> said that this was casual employment which would
> earn about 200 to 300 dollars per week which
> sounded reasonable, but when she said I had to
> have a checking account my scam radar went up.
> She said they would be sending me a check for $250
> to $300 for the week and that I was to call her
> when the check arrived. I did give her my name and
> address because I want to see what will happen.
> I feel that I must issue a warning especially
> because this company did not contact me via email.
> They did not use email at all. They have a
> website and they called me.
> Then I noticed that they call themselves
> []. Why is it these
> scammers can never spell. I always thought the
> correct spelling was “spies.”
Hey Janice,
I had had encounters with Shopping Spys Inc. I signed up online to beome a mystery shopper. Well, they sent me a letter with a check for $2,950 o deposit alon with instructions to shop several places on the list. The check returned unvaild and my account was restrainted for further activity. I'm reporting them to the legal authorities. They ran imnto the wrong person at the right time.

You will be charged and have to pay off that check if you cashed it...there is no way to redeem that money, you (unfortunitely) have been taken. That company is a scam...big time!

Live consciously....
I did not cash the check. I gave it to my bank. They wanted to have their security people look at it. I also reported this to the post office.

"Evolve thyself and lose all hate...." Orphaned Land
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