Retail Eyes???

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I think I saw them on Mystery Shop Maven. If you get on here and put them as the topic a couple of things come up on them.
Retail Eyes doesn't have a job board. They use a sceduling company. Kern, but you need to know your 6 digit log in from Retail to accept the jobs on Kern. Complicated yes.... I agree because to file the reports you need to access them on the Retail Eyes Site. BUTTTT you can access your instructions on Kern!!!! Tell me if that makes any sense? Anyway file the report then tell Kern the report has been filed on Retail Eyes. Otherwise it will remain active. You'll still get paid from retail but it'll be slightly confusing when you do your weekend or month end (depends on if your PT or FT.) You go through your shops and see one is still active but are positive you did it. Honestly considering all the work that needs to be done their not worth it, nore is Kern (aka Kiss). Their pay is average but there's so many other companies out there that don't require so much work that I don't think their worth the time.
That's not true. Retail Eyes does have a job board, however, shops are few and far between, at least in my area of the U.S. I can't remember, but I think it's possible that you can't access it without some sort of score (ie; completing a shop). Re: Kern, the only shops I've ever seen offered through them are for airport locations. The first (and so far only) shop I've done for Retail Eyes was offered by the company through email. It was for a very good restaurant, and the reimbursement was also good.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/2011 04:13PM by nicelytwicely.
I'm Canadian... What is say is true please don't call a bluff unless you know all the facts... What I said was my opinion nothing more. I do apoligise if it was insulting to some but in my opinion and in my country and regon it is 100% true.
You said the following, as fact, and not as your opinion or limited to your experience. Or, as specific to your country. As written, the information was incorrect.

PMW Wrote:
> Retail Eyes doesn't have a job board.

I don't know what you're talking about in regard to calling bluffs. No bluff was called, I was just correcting what you stated.
WHAT was not nice about this? From my viewpoint, the only NOT nice thing was the accusation PMW directed towards me.

This forum was created for shoppers to help other shoppers. Part of the platform is providing the opportunity to receive correct information. It is absolutely true that different MSC's behaviors may differ between regions and countries, but the comment was stated as overall fact, and that is why I posted.
Retail Eyes used to be outstanding and lost their upscale restaurants to another MSC, since then, they have been going downhill. They definitely have a job board, and do lots of work in the UK. They never have anything here any more. I hated to see that happen to them, but, their glory days have ended.

Live consciously....
How often does this company paid? I did a job in Mid March. When should I expect payment? No pending payment date is showing.
roalnbn, I'm not sure of the policy offhand, but I think it's on the website. I was paid about 45 days after my shop, but it might have been a consequence of the part of the month in which the shop fell.

I have a question about Retail Eyes' airport shops. Does anyone know if the clients are generally the actual establishments, or if they're being done for the airports?
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