MarketForce No Shops anymore?

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I emailed help desk just to be sure.

I know I should not be so bummed out about the possibility of getting dropped by Market Force. It is like going on a crappy date with someone as a favour to find that he doesn't call.... Hey wait a minute! I'm the one who was slumming, right? YOU CANNOT DUMP ME!
silenthunder Wrote:
> they were pretty prompt with their replies to me,
> but they were also firmly not going to tell me why
> i was terminated. They repeated that to do so
> would violate their confidentiality or some such
> nonsense. I'm not buying that since its not really
> confidential from me considering I did the shops
> in question.
> Has anyone in the past been told the reason for
> termination?

I was not told, they said that my receipt was not valid, and terminated me with no reason other than that. I am not happy about them purchasing TUAU and I am a great shopper with TUAU. Who knows what they will do.
norcalcop Wrote:
> I was not told, they said that my receipt was not
> valid, and terminated me with no reason other than
> that. I am not happy about them purchasing TUAU
> and I am a great shopper with TUAU. Who knows
> what they will do.

I can't get a response at all. I have had no shops rejected and only the one flake which I got no answer despite disclosing the reason and calling back.

I have 3 shops pending for the rest of the week. I don't want to do them without some type indication of my status.

My sense is that they will want me to finish these, pay me on 6/10, then all access will be denied.
I agree with you and I told them so too! If they do not like it that they get an unfair dismissal from their occupation BEFORE they get a chance to explain, why do they do it to shoppers? They have respcted me ever since.

iblessyah Wrote:
> Yep. They terminated me three times by just not
> being able to access the jobs. Eventually I got
> reinstated but since I'm not doing CD's anymore
> after this month I don't think I will be doing
> much for them. I think it rude and unprofessional
> to deactivate someone without giving them a chance
> to discuss the problem. Once it was because my
> son-in-law accidently scheduled a shop under my
> name. When I wrote the help desk to explain, they
> terminated both of us for violating ICAs. We had
> to discuss the shop in order to get it under the
> right name. We live in the same house and use the
> same computer. It took days after sending an
> email to straighten it out. They just blocked
> is. Willing to let us finish synopsis already
> scheduled but not courteous enough to try and find
> out what had happened. Just zapped us both.
I love your response, so happened to me, and yes, a very bad date, so, he doesn't call, their loss, your gain. heartlandcanuck Wrote:
> I emailed help desk just to be sure.
> I know I should not be so bummed out about the
> possibility of getting dropped by Market Force. It
> is like going on a crappy date with someone as a
> favour to find that he doesn't call.... Hey wait a
> minute! I'm the one who was slumming, right? YOU

Live consciously....
I don't get all my local shops on the normal search button. I only discovered this by accident when I did an advanced search and found new jobs just down the road! I now do an advanced search everytime - a real pain!

My husband also shops for MF but doesn't now see the bank shops that I can see. He hasn't done anything wrong to his knowledge - typical MF!
I had a funny experience with MF. I do lot's of shops for them...mostly breakfast shops to start my day. In fact a couple of months ago I received a certificate from them for exceeding 100 shops.

Anyhow, the last week in May I logged in and the select shops button was not there. I sent a couple of E-mails to them during the next week, asking what was up. I received a reply from them on 06/06 saying that I had been deactivated because some receipts were missing. However, they said, that they had since received the receipts and I was now re-activated...which I was. The thing is though, that I never send receipts after the fact. I have always attached them to the report. So if receipts were missing, MF somehow lost them. Makes you wonder, doesn't it.

My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me.
Benjamin Disraeli
There was once a farmer called Mr Farmer. He planted his crops and the locust came and destroyed them. He looked up to the sky and and asked, "Oh Lord why me?"
The next year he planted his field and a drought came. He looked at the sky and asked, "Oh Lord, why me?" On the third year, none of his crop matured. He got down on his knees and asked again, "Oh Lord, why me?" A huge thunderbolt came down with a loud deafening voice, "Mr Farmer, there is just something about you that pisses me off!"

I think of this when doing reports! LOL!
If the "WebFC: Shop Select" line click to see the shops are gone, probably finished. I've heard that sometimes inform consumers when they have completed and sometimes not. If e-mail and ask what the problem is usually told that were terminated.

If you cannot view it it's because there aren't any shops in your area. It does happen!
I for one use Market Force ALL the time to get shops. They are quick to respond and quick to pay, usually within 2 weeks. Best of all are their reports that take less than 5 minutes to complete!

I was always paid by the 10th of the month following the shop; that equals an 11 dy. to 42 dy. pay window. In addition, I NEVER had a report form that took less than 5 minutes to prepare; I'd guesstimate at least 15 minutes, this due to the reloading of new pages. I did always receive a quick response. Perhaps VTRI is more fortunate.
I noticed that in the last two months Market Force hardly ever has shop listed in my area( Toronto) |I have had maybe 7 shops in the last two months. I used to have as many as 6 a week. I don't know what happened MRCCCC
Even in advance search, there about a third of the shops there were 4 months ago.

~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~* Shoppin' Mama of 4 lovely & unique girls and Nana to Bella, Delilah and Lincoln, shopping in Oregon and parts of Washington
People are getting more computer and phone savy. The shops that you might have used to find on your desktop are being snapped up by people on the hyway with their cell phones. If you are out shopping, and 20 shops come up, guess who got them? Much of it is technology, not MF. It is what it is. I have enough companies to choose from that I don't put all my eggs in one basket. I think the old term is "the early bird catches the worm." Many people are just getting there earlier.
I could be wrong, but I would have to run this by an editor to be sure. Losing a shop insults you, but think of the gas it saves!
I just noticed MF is doing a software upgrade to their system on 7/5. Maybe this will help.
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