MarketForce No Shops anymore?

I tried to see if there were any more shops in my area with MarketForce and noticed I cannot view it. Do you think they took me off from doing shops or is there some kind a problem on their end? I have a shop for tomorrow and I am able to view the shop, instructions, and be able to attach my receipt.

Do you think it is a nice way of telling me after this shop you are out? Do they usually send you an email letting your know we no longer need your service or do they just delete you from their list?

I sent Martforce an email but did not get an answer yet.

Thanks for any information you may give me.

P.S. I did get my monthly direct deposit amount posted today

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I can see shops here, so it would appear their website is working. My impression was that folks were usually told if/when they were terminated. If you don't get a response from them in a day or so the phone number I have for them is 303-402-6989
zFaithMS Wrote:
> I tried to see if there were any more shops in my
> area with MarketForce and noticed I cannot view
> it. Do you think they took me off from doing
> shops or is there some kind a problem on their
> end? I have a shop for tomorrow and I am able to
> view the shop, instructions, and be able to attach
> my receipt.
> Do you think it is a nice way of telling me after
> this shop you are out? Do they usually send you
> an email letting your know we no longer need your
> service or do they just delete you from their
> list?

Most shoppers I know who have been terminated were never warned, they just suddenly couldn't access new shops. I am wondering if you contact them if they will cancel your 3/10 shop.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/09/2011 08:36PM by 3offthecharts.
Yep. They terminated me three times by just not being able to access the jobs. Eventually I got reinstated but since I'm not doing CD's anymore after this month I don't think I will be doing much for them. I think it rude and unprofessional to deactivate someone without giving them a chance to discuss the problem. Once it was because my son-in-law accidently scheduled a shop under my name. When I wrote the help desk to explain, they terminated both of us for violating ICAs. We had to discuss the shop in order to get it under the right name. We live in the same house and use the same computer. It took days after sending an email to straighten it out. They just blocked is. Willing to let us finish synopsis already scheduled but not courteous enough to try and find out what had happened. Just zapped us both.

Today I Will Choose Joy!

"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!
If the "WebFCconfused smileyelect Shops" line that you click on to see shops is gone, you have probably been terminated. I've heard that they sometimes notify shoppers when they are terminated and they sometimes do not. If you e-mail and ask what the problem is, they usually tell you then that you have been terminated.
MarketForce does not give warning before taking away the link to new shops. Earlier this year they deactivated me because 2 of the 11 shops for the same fast food chain I had completed in one week only had 1 of the 2 receipts. After a few weeks of emails/waiting, they gave me access to new shops again, though they never apologized or really explained themselves.
For those shops, you are only allowed to ask for a receipt once. If the employee tells you it's in the bag or something, and it isn't, then there's nothing you can do about it according to the guidelines, but you are still penalized for it later.
carolinecole Wrote:
> MarketForce does not give warning before taking
> away the link to new shops. Earlier this year
> they deactivated me because 2 of the 11 shops for
> the same fast food chain I had completed in one
> week only had 1 of the 2 receipts. After a few
> weeks of emails/waiting, they gave me access to
> new shops again, though they never apologized or
> really explained themselves.
> For those shops, you are only allowed to ask for a
> receipt once. If the employee tells you it's in
> the bag or something, and it isn't, then there's
> nothing you can do about it according to the
> guidelines, but you are still penalized for it
> later.

Did you let them know U only had one receipt on Ur CPI? Generally I want my chnage with my receipt, in my hands. Where did they put you change, inside your potato product. smiling smiley
Most of the ones here take your money and give change at the first window, then you get your receipt at the 2nd window with your food. Very confusing, since some give it at the first window with the change, which makes sense, but most give it at the second. Some of those who give it at the second window just put it in the bag. If they don't hand it to me, I always ask. If they say it's in the bag, I check .... I had one time that they said it was in the bag and it wasn't .... so now I check...and guess what? frequently when they tell you it's in the bag, it isn't. So then I turn back to the window and say I don't see it and ask again.....pain in the neck....
sojo917 Wrote:
> carolinecole Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > MarketForce does not give warning before taking
> > away the link to new shops. Earlier this year
> > they deactivated me because 2 of the 11 shops
> for
> > the same fast food chain I had completed in one
> > week only had 1 of the 2 receipts. After a few
> > weeks of emails/waiting, they gave me access to
> > new shops again, though they never apologized
> or
> > really explained themselves.
> > For those shops, you are only allowed to ask for
> a
> > receipt once. If the employee tells you it's
> in
> > the bag or something, and it isn't, then
> there's
> > nothing you can do about it according to the
> > guidelines, but you are still penalized for it
> > later.
> Did you let them know U only had one receipt on Ur
> CPI? Generally I want my chnage with my receipt,
> in my hands. Where did they put you change,
> inside your potato product. smiling smiley

sojo, sometimes they give you the change in your hand, then put your receipt in the bag. I myself have not had a problem with getting the receipt, but as the OP pointed out, the directions do say to only ask ONCE for the receipt.
This happened to me once. I could not see the "select job" button. I emailed the help desk and they fixed the problem. I was not deactiviated.
so my 'select shop' disappeared, along with all my remaining CPIs. I emailed them and simply received their paragraph informing my my contract has been cancelled. i think this is a form response - since there was no reason stated. Waiting on their reply to my questions about whether there is something I can do to rectify this situation.

I find this odd because up until 2 days ago they have been calling me to ask if I can pick up assignments. And they are so needy of shoppers in my area that they have called me to offer gas money and increased contract fees.

wierd that they treat people like this. I know it saves time - but I think it would save even more time to send me an email explaining why - so that you don't have to take the time later to answer my queries. I guess I'll use this as my excuse to start using other MSCs more
It seems that when most people are deactivated, there is absolutely no explanation.

Does anyone know the reason(s) for these decisions, or can make an educated guess?
they were pretty prompt with their replies to me, but they were also firmly not going to tell me why i was terminated. They repeated that to do so would violate their confidentiality or some such nonsense. I'm not buying that since its not really confidential from me considering I did the shops in question.

Has anyone in the past been told the reason for termination?
I think an answer or no answer depends on the reason for termination. One shopper indicated that they were told that 'the algorithm' determined it and no further explanation was offered since their algorithm is proprietary and evidently is the manner in which they pick up on shoppers who may not be 'doing it right'. My best guess is that their algorithm is looking for information that may be faked and my suspicion is that a history of same/similar reports implies to them that the shopper is not objectively performing the tasks required, whether they provide appropriate receipts or not.

Other shoppers appear to be terminated because of too many cancellations or reschedules. Others appear to be terminated because of client complaints (whether justified or not). Still others get terminated for failure to send in CPIs or legible receipts. In other words, all of those PITA 'issues' that would inconvenience the company.

Generally when a reason such as cancellation, illegible receipts, etc. is given, a shopper can promise never ever ever to do that again and be reinstated.

if what Flash says is true. I guess I didn't get terminated for any of the illegible receipt, cancellations, or late reporting as they almost never happened (and certainly none in the couple weeks leading up to the termination).

For some reason this really sticks in my head because I thought I was doing a good job and really can't think of anything I did.

The only thing I can guess at other than that is a client complaint I guess. I really liked working for them because they paid promptly and the shops were very simple and the reports even moreso.

Guess I'm gonna devote more of my time to premier and spotchek....
I reschedule alot with them but these days I'm moving up the shop date. I take the latest date to give me plenty of time and then work it in where I can and move it up. They haven't seemed to mind that.

Today I Will Choose Joy!

"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!
I just sign-in and there were several shops to choose from - no a problem with Market Force on my end.
Yes, that means that you have not been deactivated by them. When you are deactivated apparently you can still get in to see and report the jobs already assigned to you but don't get to select any more shops.
The only thing they have in my area is the fast food shops. There is not enough money there for me to do them.
If/when deactivation happens to me for no real reason, I will not do any pending shops nor even cancel them. I will just be done wth them.

If they have cancelled their contract, I personally would not do any further work for them. They could always say we cancelled our contract with you prior to the shop date and then not pay.

Not notifying someone of a cancelled contract is very unprofessional of them.
It does seem unprofessional, and the response from MF to shoppers who have e-mailed to ask what's wrong and been informed "We can no longer offer you shops" - to which to shopper's next question is "WHY?" - and answering "We can't tell you, it's confidential" - is bizarre and beyond unprofessional. hast said, I will continue to shop for them, taking whatever jobs I want and leaving the others as long as it suits my purposes. However, I have never heard of MF refusing payment for shops completed after deactivation.
I gave up on MF awhile ago. Took forever to answer my replies and tried sending me all over the place.
We still work for MFI for the time being. We earn over $100 - $150 plus all that lovely,healthy food just doing ff shops for them each month. I look at that as "the electric bill" or 4 tanks of gas (well maybe not quite four anymore!) so as long as they let us, we'll keep doing them. I also got a $25 easy bank shop from them today. Every little bit counts if it's in a straight line on a certain day's route. That one fit neatly into my run for tomorrow.

Today I Will Choose Joy!

"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!
There are times with MF that you have done too many of the same shops. You might see a lull, then WHAM! You are seeing shops.

Don't get stagnate with one or 2 shops and expect them to be there forever. Take shops that might intimidate you. Get your feet wet and do them.

MarketForce staff is not out for you if you get fewer shops. You might just have done too many of the same one for a while.
They just deactivated me. Not only is the Select Shops link gone, but so is the Account Profile link and the Auto-Assign Shops profile link gone.

This really ticks me off, I have gone out of my way to do several shops for them during the time that we were trying to relocate from the tornado. I have the one shop that flaked the day of the tornado and I had to reschedule another one due to meeting with a FEMA adjuster.

I was about to leave to do that last one now, but decided to e-mail them first and verify the deactivation. I have 5 shops pending for this week alone!!!

I don't know why I have bothered to try to be a good shopper for them. This really ticks me off. Most other companies don't have a lot in my area.
3offthecharts, I suggest that you forget MF, as you tend to life's priorities. (It may help to put their logo on a dartboard.) When you're settled back in, if you are so inclined, touch base with them and see what happens. Their response will help you decide if it's an MSP you want to shop with.
I drove 60 miles for MF today... I agreed because of a nice bonus and to take my kids out for a nap drive. Tonight as I input the data I saw the "select shops" button missing. Okie-dokie! After six years of shopping you'd think they'd at least tell me off for something!
I keep noticing odd behavior of their search pages, though I definitely still have the "select shops" button. I frankly am wondering how many missing "select shop" buttons are system issues and how many are terminating shoppers. If my "select shops" button goes missing you can be sure that I will be asking them what the heck is going on!

You've made an excellent point with respect to the possibility of an error. In my case the button disappeared, but as I had scheduled shops I could still log onto my page. After I completed all open assignments though, I was only able to enter the site until I was paid; the following day I was denied all access to MFI. This was proof to me my services were no longer desired.
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