Quickest paying companies?

I've read a lot about the slow pay shops, but what about the quick ones? Who pays the quickest so you don't have to keep a 3 month log of when a shop was done?

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penny11 Wrote:
> I've read a lot about the slow pay shops, but what
> about the quick ones? Who pays the quickest so you
> don't have to keep a 3 month log of when a shop
> was done?

Look in each companies guidelines. It will tell you. Some pay every other week, some pay as long as 90 days.
For some companies, even if they pay fast, you still need to keep records for several months.
lisams901 Wrote:
> For some companies, even if they pay fast, you
> still need to keep records for several months.

You need to keep your records period. You never know when you might be audited by the IRS for doing this. We just did our taxes and Accountant said we need to keep our documentation for at least seven to ten years.
As for a "log", you are operating a small business and you need to keep some sort of "log" or record of work performed and payments received for IRS purposes for at least 4 years after you file a tax return for the year the money was received. As for documentation, each company has specifics about how long you need to preserve receipts, notes and any collateral materials. I don't bother sorting out who wants me to keep what for how long but rather just throw each month's stuff into a file folder for that month and when the stuff is finished even with IRS possible interest, then trash it.
Flash Wrote:
> As for a "log", you are operating a small business
> and you need to keep some sort of "log" or record
> of work performed and payments received for IRS
> purposes for at least 4 years after you file a tax
> return for the year the money was received. As
> for documentation, each company has specifics
> about how long you need to preserve receipts,
> notes and any collateral materials. I don't
> bother sorting out who wants me to keep what for
> how long but rather just throw each month's stuff
> into a file folder for that month and when the
> stuff is finished even with IRS possible interest,
> then trash it.

Flash...how long do you keep your records? I'm just starting my 5th year of MSing, so I still have everything. Just curious.
norcalcop Wrote:

> You need to keep your records period. You never
> know when you might be audited by the IRS for
> doing this. We just did our taxes and Accountant
> said we need to keep our documentation for at
> least seven to ten years.

I didn't mean records of payments, I meant more your notes from the shop.
I know I have to keep records. I was just referring to having to do a continual follow-up log for the slow pay companies to make sure I was paid. I don't relish the idea of continual follow-up to get paid. I'm sure the schedulers get paid on a weekly basis for their work.

I have a log for a company I did over 10 yrs ago who was supposed to pay me for reports. I never got paid on the last one - which was the reason it was my last one!
I vote for Market Force and CRI. Once you get regular work with them it seems that they pay every two weeks.
I'd say Trendsource and Feedback Plus. (Am I imagining that there was another thread about this just recently?)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/10/2011 01:52AM by nicelytwicely.
bigdog1234 Wrote:
> I vote for Market Force and CRI. Once you get
> regular work with them it seems that they pay
> every two weeks.

Are you thinking of blue or purple portal. Actual Market Force pays the 10th of the following month.
My vote is for Market Force, Informa, Caliber, Monterey, Bestmark, Customer Service Experts, Customer Impact, and Shoppers Critique. All of them have paid me on average in less than 30 days.
Less than 15 days: Harland Clarke, TrendSource, BestMark

30 days or less: MarketForce, ICCDS, Second-to-None, Shopper's Critique

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/10/2011 03:41AM by 3offthecharts.
The fastest i frredback plus they pay on the 8th and 22 of each month. I four shop i scomplte on say the 15 th they will pay on the 22.
I've found a system of keeping track of payments and collateral.
I bought folders with sealed sides, in different colors. I use one per company, except for those that know I seldom shop for, dems gotta share. On the outside I write the date, round trip miles, client name, location, amount to be paid+ bonuses, scan #, shop conf #.I sometimes amuse myself by adding it up by the month. Inside I keep all the business cards etc. including e-mail confirming bonuses etc., pay stubs. Inside tab,I note MSC,T #, my passwords and usernames.
As soon as I get paid I note the date, amount etc. I know right away what's owed me.
This rainbow lives on my desk next to the computer.
Did I miss anything?
Informa , for me is by far the fastest payer, frequently the same month as the shop.
I believe that BMA and Customer 1st are pretty quick as well. They say around the 15th of the month following shop completion, but it's usually around the 10th.

By the way, for the person who thinks that schedulers get paid weekly...I can only speak for myself. It's once a month. :-)

Jen Slyter
775-525-0JEN(0536) Pacific Time
Coast to Coast Scheduling Services, Inc.
For more mystery shopping opportunities,
please register at [ctcss.archondev.com]!
I've not shopped for Customer 1st, but I can second that I always receive payment from BMA on the 10th.
My vote is Market Force. I did a number of shops in Febuary and I have my money, the month isn't even over yet....
CRI, Trendsource, DJC's are the fastest.

Gold Certified
Shopping in San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles
Knight protection scheduled by CTCSS scheduling...got check in 10 days, my all time quickest. Feedback Plus, Trendsource.

Live consciously....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/20/2011 08:05PM by Irene_L.A..
Trendsource is like clockwork, 2x per month. Maritz is only a notch behind, but only because of the delays in getting the paper check vs direct deposit.

Marketforce, Shoppers Critique, Bestmark and Marketing Endeavours are all usually just under 30 days. Second-2-None and ServiceX are 29-31 days without fail.

My personal experiences, YMMV.
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