companies w/out a secure website

I read reviews on a ton of MSC that shoppers seem to like. When I go to sign up they don't have a secure website. For example, they don't have the https and the don't have the lock symbol at the top.

I was wondering how safe it is to put your personal info including SSN number if these don't have secure sites.

I really wanted to sign up for them.


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Sometime the non secure part of the page is only giving you basic info and when you actually sign up you are taken to a secure (https) page. I would not put my ssn on non secure page. Can you give any examples of sites that use a non secure page for sign up?
HTTPS indicates the site is using SSL or TSL. SSL and TSL are encryption protocols used to ensure that the only parties that can read your data are you (the client) and the website you're transmitting it to (the server).

For example, mysteryshopforum doesn't use SSL on their login forms. That means if you're using a public WiFi network (at a hotel, McDonalds, Starbucks, ect) a tech-savy person can "sniff" your network traffic and read everything that you're transmitting over the network (including passwords, SSNs, ect). If the page is SSL or TSL secured, there's a secure tunnel between your computer and the website, so anybody sniffing your traffic in between will only see encrypted text (not your password).

If you're at home on a trusted network (you know nobody else is on it), I wouldn't mind entering sensitive information on a nonsecure page. Yes, third parties between your connection and the website can see the information, but if you know nobody else is on your network, chances are it's only your ISP (and possibly the government if you're being taped).

However, I'd avoid AT ALL COSTS entering sensitive information via a non-secure site when you're on a public or unencrypted network.
Companies with nonsecure websites:

Quest for Best
B Business Solutions
A Closer Look

Just to name a few.

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