Im_cotepony Wrote:
> I received an email from Checkup on April 12.
> Here's the info:
> "Sorry for the delay...Accounting is processing
> checks and will go within two weeks.
> Thanks for turning in your receipts. Below are the
> shops that I have received receipts for",
> When I registered on his site, I saw the prior
> message that he had left for the shoppers about
> the payments. I immediately knew he would be
> running in arrears, but I took that step in faith.
> Sometimes, you have to do that in order to help
> the little guy. It's like walmart being CRI and
> Checkup being a mom & pop store.
> I don't shop at walmart.
Yes, I saw that same message when I signed up too. But I just thought it was a reminder for the shoppers when they would be paid. That was last year and I believe they would be getting there checks in November or December???? Who knows. No checks in my mail box for January.