National Shopping Service

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I'm not signed up with them. Did the check issue get resolved? Looking for new companies but not inviting disaster. lol

Today I Will Choose Joy!

"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!
The do mainly upscale retail, but do have pizza jobs...waiting for my check the end of the month.

Live consciously....

Live consciously....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2011 02:55AM by Irene_L.A..
Mert, I don't know where you live, but in L.A. they have all the upscale Beverly Hills shops, like Cartier (not) but like, and have had them for years.I would say 80% of their jobs are high end retail,with a Japenese BBQ, pizza and a couple smaller one's. From things I've read your not in a major urban city, which could be why you don't see those jobs.

Live consciously....
Around these parts they have pizza, and a store that's like TJ Maxx or Marshalls, but isn't. Also some finance (Check into Cash) type thing.
Perhaps, Irene. LA is a city unlike any other. The city I'm closest to has a population of about a million and is a major financial center.

Wish that it were different, but NSS has nothing but cheapo shops heresad smiley

Live consciously....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2011 03:08PM by Irene_L.A..
Suprising to find the major stores NSS has in L.A. are not an account everywhere, that's msing.....they are the reason I stay in this business, they make it duable for me and are no nosense, meaning, no stupid emails, only ones that are within your radius, easy to communicate with, will help solve a problem and care about their good shoppers, won't throw you to the wind if you leave a comma out, (not that I ever did), enough said.

Live consciously....
I wish NSS had more here, and DSG too. They are IMO the best companies to work with as they only send relevant shops, are easy to communicate with, not ridiculous about shop grading, etc.

I would give the edge to DSG for professional-looking and easy to use paperwork, but NSS has gotten much better on this. Their pizza shop instructions were horrid a few years ago. Now they're mediocre. DSG has the best paperwork of anyone I've ever shopped for.
Bongo, I agree about DSG, though they are limited to a few Ins. type shops, they are a straight forward MSC, but my love is retail and restaurants, and even though their Japenese BBQ is reimbursement only, one can go and it's a great relief being in the same mall to get a "free" lunch, report not that bad.

Live consciously....
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