lisams901 Wrote:
> I have a phone shop scheduled with them for later
> this afternoon. The call can not be made before
> 4:00 PM. I just received an email from them that
> looks like the standard Sassie evaluation review
> email, but of course says Incomplete at the end
> since I have yet to complete the shop. When I
> opened it, it was the normal email saying the
> report had been reviewed and scored, but in the
> comments it is a reminder to complete the shop.
> I guess it just confused me as I've never received
> one of those before.
I would contact the company by email, sending a copy of the email. It very well may be spam. More than likely it was just human error. WORD OF ADVICE ON SPAM: If you receive a suspicious email. DO NOT return it to sender. Instead open another window with the company's verified address, copy and paste the ??? SPAM into that email and send it. Be sure to give them a clue in the title that you've received ??? mail from their name.
I've had this happen a lot with Pay Pal. They are great tho in dealing with the situation and I still feel very comfortable using them. Just be wary of BUGS CRAWlING INTO YOUR COMPUTER.